Shipbuildervessel built by
Nicol Reid & Co.
(Footdee, Aberdeen, Scotland, founded c.1790)
Dimensionslength 71 7/12' x breadth 20 11/12' x depth 13 3/6'
registered tonnage: 131 ton
registered tonnage: 131 ton
Object numberABDSHIP001669
Fate: Wrecked Domesnes (Poland), 28 October 1834
Propulsion: Sail
Description: Brigantine rigged, 1 deck, 2 masts, standing bowsprit, square stern, male bust as figurehead.
25/06/1834: Registered at Aberdeen for subscribing owners;
Andrew Baxter, shipmaster, Aberdeen, 16 shares; Robert Spring, baker, Aberdeen, 8 shares; William Spark, watchmaker, Aberdeen, 8 shares, all Aberdeen;
Other share holders:
James Williamson, flesher, Aberdeen, 4 shares; John Begg, merchant, Aberdeen, 4 shares; William Will, merchant, Aberdeen, 4 shares; William Gavin, coal broker, Aberdeen, 4 shares; John Duncan, writer, Stonehaven, 4 shares; John Duncan, farmer, Stonehaven, 4 shares; Andrew Edward, farmer, Nigg, 4 shares
(Source: Aberdeen Register of Shipping (Aberdeen City Archives))
1834: Master Andrew Baxter
1834: Aberdeen - Riga
General History:
Sorry to record loss of fine new brig, PLANTER, of this port, Capt. Baxter, on her passage from Riga, laden with flax and lint seed in barrels, bound for Belfast, she sailed from Riga 26 October. After two days heavy gale between Domesnes and Lyscroet experienced tremendous squalls and showers of sleet and hail. On 28 Oct. at midnight wore ship expecting to get round Domesness. At 4a.m. a very heavy squall laid her completley on her broadside. Gale continuing, five miles up the strand found it impossible to clear the land on any tack and in order to save their lives were obliged to run her on the strand. The sea was beating over her and fruitless attempts were made to get a line ashore. The following morning, weather having abated, they got on shore. Saw no prospect of getting vessel off, but saved her sails, ropes and part of cargo in damaged state. Crew all well and are to be sent home by British Consul.
(Aberdeen Journal)
August 1826