Shipownervessel built for
Catto & Co.
(Aberdeen, Scotland)
Object NameBRIG
Dimensionslength 84 9/12' x breadth 24 3/12' x depth 16'
Registered Tonnage: 216 ton
Registered Tonnage: 216 ton
Object numberABDSHIP001733
Fate: unknown, last in Lloyd's 1834 (A1041)
Propulsion: Sail
Description: Snow or brig rigged, 1 flush deck, 2 masts, standing bowsprit, square stern, carvel built, no galleries, male bust figurehead.
1824: Registered at Aberdeen for subscribing owners;
Robert Catto, 20 shares; William Catto, 12 shares; John Catto Jnr., 4 shares; all Aberdeen merchants.
Other owners; George Thomson, 4 shares; John Catto, 12 shares; William Pirie, 4 shares; William Donald, 4 shares; William Donald jnr., 4 shares; all Aberdeen merchants.
(Source: Aberdeen Register of Shipping (Aberdeen City Archives))
1824-33: Master Alexander Lawson
1834: Master Alexander Smith
Voyages (from Lloyd's):
1827-28: Belfast - Quebec
1828-29: London
1830-33: Falmouth - New York
General History:
Greenock, 13 Sept. MARIA, arrived from St. John's, Newfoundland, spoke brig ATLANTIC, from Aberdeen to Miramichi, New Brunswick, 27th August, Lat. 47.36, Long. 35.44 [mid Atlantic off St. John's].
(Caledonian Mercury)
HERCULES arrived Aberdeen from New York. Only British vessel there was brig ATLANTIC, Lawson, of Aberdeen, loading for Liverpool.
Caledonian Mercury
For New York - The fine A1 coppered brig ATLANTIC, Captain Milne, will be despatched March. Freight rates and passage fares from John Catto, Son & Co., 39 King Street. [11/03/1829: Will be dispatched about 23 March.]
(Aberdeen Journal)
22 Sept, brig ATLANTIC, from Belfast, spoken 40 miles below Quebec.
Belfast Newsletter
For New York - Fine coppered brig ATLANTIC, Alex Smith master is expected to arrive here in about 10 days to take the berth for New York and will be despatched as soon thereafter as possible. John Catto, Son & Co.
(Aberdeen Journal)
To be despatched early April. Excellent accommodation for cabin and steerage passengers. Captain Smith is well known in the trade.
(Aberdeen Journal)
Having been longer detained on her last voyage to New York, will not be again despatched from this port until early March.
(Aberdeen Journal)
For sale by public roup at Lemon Tree Tavern, Aberdeen, 6 November [...] 4/66ths of brig ATLANTIC.
(Aberdeen Journal)
For sale by private bargain/sealed offers, entry for purchasers at commencement of present voyage, having rights to freights due on these shares for present voyage. Purchasers to have right to current insurance policies on paying proportion of premiums.
(Aberdeen Journal)
The ATLANTIC, of Aberdeen. Capt. Smith, from Havana and Matanzas, passed the Sound 24th, for Copenhagen.
(Hull Packet)
March 1861