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Shipbuilder (Footdee, Aberdeen)
Dimensionslength 94' 2" x breadth 25' 6" x depth 17' 7"
gross tonnage 266 tons
Object numberABDSHIP000932
About MeYard: Alexander Hall & Co
Yard Number: 46

Fate, unknown, last in Lloyd's register 1863 (A285)

Propulsion: Sail
Description: Brigantine (or snow) rigged, one deck, two masts, standing bowsprit, square stern, carvel built, male bust figurehead.

10/03/1826: Registered at Aberdeen for subscribing owners;
Robert Duthie, merchant, 10 shares; John Morrison, shipmaster, 12 shares; Alexander Leslie, shipmaster, 12 shares.
Other shareholders in 1826:
William Leslie, Youngest, merchant, 6 shares; Alexander Sutherland, merchant, 6 shares; John Smith, merchant, 4 shares; John Knight, sadler, 8 shares; Alexander Cooper, sadler, 6 shares; Samuel Shaw, painter, 4 shares. All Aberdeen.
(Source: Aberdeen Register of Shipping (Aberdeen City Archives) 1826, no. 32)
1842-50: A. Cooper
1858-59: McCallum & Co, registered at Shields
1861-63: J. Patton

1826-50: Master Alexander Leslie.
1858-59: Master W. Armstrong
1861-63: Master J. Smith

Voyages (Lloyd's register):
1828: Leith - Aberdeen
1830-31: Liverpool - Aberdeen
1832: Leith - St. Davids
1833: Leith coaster.
1834-42: Aberdeen - Miramichi (Canada)
1843-50: Aberdeen - Halifax
1858-63: Shields - Spain.

General History:
"The longest running regular passage service from Aberdeen to Halifax, Canada, was the one offered by Robert Duthie's 'ALBION'. She did regular crossings with emigrants, often twice yearly, and the Captain was always Alexander Leslie.

Captain Alexander Leslie had an incredibly long association with the Brig 'ALBION' of Aberdeen. Twenty three years between 1829 - 1853 taking passengers most years. Leslie's long experience clearly gave him high standing and, on one occasion immediately after the Spring crossing of 1836, his passengers left us an account of the importance of a Captain's skill and humanity; it was published both in the Halifax Journal and the Aberdeen Journal: "We the Cabin passengers of the brig 'ALBION' of Aberdeen, Alexander Leslie Master, avail ourselves of the earliest opportunity of expressing through the medium of your respectable paper our unanimous testimony to the unremitted assiduity with which Captain Leslie attended to our comfort during a tedious, stormy passage. While we do not presume that we can add to the character which Captain Leslie has long since earned, and fully established on both sides of the Atlantic; we deem it a debt of gratitude due to him thus publicly to express our approbation of his conduct and we would strongly recommend to emigrants and others crossing the Atlantic to do so by the 'ALBION', as from experience we can assure them that under the command of Captain Leslie the greatest care will be paid to their comfort and safety". ((Lucille H. Campey (2002), "'Fast Sailing and Copper-Bottomed': Aberdeen Sailing Ships and the Emigrant Scots they carried to Canada 1774-1855" (Natural Heritage Books, Toronto), pp. 101-3)

1829 In March she carried 18 emigrants to Halifax 13 as cabin passengers paying £7 each, the rest, 13, in steerage. (The ALBION's steerage was said to be "comfortably fitted up with a stove" and to have "plenty of height"). (Campey, "Fast Sailing", p. 170)

In March 1831 carried 17 passengers to Halifax
In March 1832 carried 31 passengers to Halifax
In March 1833 carried 26 passengers to Halifax
In August 1833 carried 31 passengers to Halifax
In July 1834 carried 31 passengers to Halifax
In March 1835 carried 25 passengers to Halifax
In April 1836 carried 49 passengers to Halifax
In August 1836 carried 42 passengers to Halifax
In March 1837 carried 41 passengers to Halifax
In August 1838 carried 21 passengers to Halifax
In April 1840 carried 22 passengers to Halifax
In August 1840 carried 4 in cabin and 5 in steerage to Halifax
In August 1841 carried 28, all steerage to Halifax
In March 1843 carried 13 passengers to Halifax
In July 1843 carried 16 passengers to Halifax
In April 1844 carried 13 passengers to Halifax
In August 1844 carried 13 passengers and 30 packets of luggage to Halifax
In April 1845 carried 13 passengers to Halifax
In April 1850 carried 13 passengers to Halifax
In August 1850 carried 8 passengers to Halifax
In June 1851 carried 12 passengers to Quebec
In June 1852 carried 13 passengers to Quebec
In April 1853 carried 11 passengers to Halifax

An advertisement in the Aberdeen Journal, November 1826 for the sale of the Albion's timber stated as follows: MIRAMICHI TIMBER. There will be sold by public roup, upon an early day, to be afterwards fixed, The Entire Cargo of the Brig ALBION, Capt Leslie, just arrived from Miramichi consisting of 320 loads of YELLOW PINE - 12 loads of BIRCH - 1400 superfical feet FIR PLANK; and 2,550 ASH BILLETS STAVES. The above cargo is of excellent quality, and of very large scantling. It may be seen on the piece of ground belonging to Messrs Duffus & Co adjoining Footdee Church Yard; and further particulars can be known on applying to ROBERT DUTHIE Quay, Nov. 7 1826. (Campey, "Fast Sailing", p. 51)

Another advertisement for her Spring departure in 1828 was as follows:

For HALIFAX, PICTOU, and MIRAMICHI. The fine new and fast sailing Brig ALBION, 266 tons per register, Alex. Leslie, Commander, will be ready to receive Goods on board for the above ports in the course of a few days, and will positively be dispatched on first March. The accommodation for Cabin and Steerage Passengers is superior, having good height between decks. For Freight and Passage, apply to Captain Leslie or to Robt. Duthie who has for Sale, 15,000 feet Miramichi Timber of fine quality, imported in November last, per the ALBION. Also for sale 100 Barrels Belfast Prime MESS PORK, newly cured. (One concern.) Quay, Jan. 15 1828. (Campey, "Fast Sailing", p. 51)

In July 1836, on a return journey to Aberdeen, the ALBION carried timber from Miramichi which was due to be sold by public auction "on the links adjoining the works of the Aberdeen Rope and Sail Company".
(Source: "Fast Sailing and Copper-Bottomed" and "An Unstoppable Force" both by Lucille H. Campey).

Notes: Cost of construction £3,297
1 May 1815
Nicol Reid & Co.
10 April 1822
June 1824
Alexander HALL & Co.
June 1818
January 1862
March 1805
Alexander HALL & Co.
March 1874
Catto & Co.
b/w photograph of clipper ship 'yalaroi'
Alexander HALL & Co.
John Smith & Co.
April 1864
Walter Hood & Co.
16 July 1877
3 April 1826