Shipbuildervessel built by
Hall, Russell & Company, Limited
(Aberdeen, Scotland, 1864 - 1992)
Dimensionslength 115' 3" x breadth 22' 1" x depth 12' 9"
gross tonnage: 197 ton
gross tonnage: 197 ton
Object numberABDSHIP002247
Yard Number: 552
Official Number: 137148
Fate: Demolished by Shipbreaking Industries Ltd., Charlestown on Forth on 25 August 1960.
Propulsion: Steam
Description: Line fishing vessel, later trawler (side). Steam, screw, steel.
21/07/1914: Registered at Aberdeen by G. W. & A. J. Leiper, Aberdeen, A 83.
11/1914: Requisitioned by Admiralty, minesweeper. Ad. No. 805. Armament 1 x 6 pdr. gun.
1919: Returned to owners.
1937-52: Owners W. Leiper & others, Aberdeen.
1953: Owners River Ness Fishing Co. Ltd, Aberdeen (G. Craig, managers).
General History:
01/01/1917: The Swedish steamer CARRIE had been captured by a German submarine and the crew abandoned the vessel for the ship’s boats. On the arrival of the KINALDIE and the FUSILIER, the submarine submerged, but the crew refused to return to their vessel, so the two trawlers towed the CARRIE to port and claimed salvage.
11/01/1939: Small fire in engineroom while berthed at John Lewis’s slipway was extinguished by Fire Brigade.
05/06/1940: Rescued 9 crew of S.S. STANCOR, sunk by submarine gunfire, from a lifeboat and landed them at Stornoway.
09/12/1952: While rounding Point Law, caught by Dee spate and struck a jetty and grounded sand at the south side of the river. Pulled off by the tug DANNY.
25/08/1960: Arrived at Charlestown for demolition.
Engine details: Steam by screw, inverted, surface condensing, triple expansion engine, 12” x 20” x 34” with 24” stroke, 412 i.h.p., 78 r.h.p. by H.R.
Boiler: number 1; heating area (ft^2) 1429; diameter 12' 9"; length 10' 9"; 3 plain welded furnaces 3' 2 15/32"; pressure (p.s.i.) 180
Propellor: 8' 4" diameter, solid cast iron.
Cost & extras: £6,400, less £200 for owner's supply of winch and acetylene gas.
See also:
History (CS) -
History (LF) -
WWI (NH) -
STANCOR rescue -
24 January 1914