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Bagpipe (ABDUA:9708)
Bagpipe (ABDUA:9708)
Bagpipe (ABDUA:9708)

Bagpipe (ABDUA:9708)

Associated (Elgin, Scotland, 1885 - 1948)
Object NameBagpipes
Classifications(not assigned)
AcquisitionUniversity of Aberdeen Museums & Special Collections.
CopyrightImages reproduced with the permission of University of Aberdeen Museums & Special Collections.
LocationOn Display - Provost Skene's House
Object numberX000666
About MeThese objects were all collected by Margaret Hasluck during the time she lived in Europe. The objects here mainly come from Albania and Macedonia, Greece. Margaret sent these objects, together with many others, to the University of Aberdeen during the 1920s.

The bagpipes are made from wood and goatskin date to around 1922. They come from Macedonia in Greece.

For more information about this object, which belongs to the collection of the University of Aberdeen Museums & Special Collections, visit:
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Tsuba: Japanese Sword Guard
Kawarabayashi Hideoki
Late Edo Period, 19th century