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Shipbuilder (Aberdeen, Scotland, 1907 - 1976)
Dimensionslength 245 7/12' x breadth 44 1/12' x depth 24 1/12'
Gross Tonnage: 2605ton
Object numberABDSHIP000180
About MeYard: John Lewis & Sons.
Yard Number: 235
Official number: 184044
Subsequent Names: FAIRTRY 1 (1959); JOY 2 (1969)

Fate: Scrapped in 1985.

Propulsion: Motor
Description: Factory trawler

1959: Christian Salvesen, Leith and renamed FAIRTRY 1.
1969: K. M. Corporation, Panama and renamed JOY 2.

General History:
19/04/1954: Trial trip.
29/04/1954: Completed.

John Lewis & Sons Ltd., Aberdeen, Press Article for the launch of FAIRTRY:

"Launch of Factory Trawler"

"The quick-freeze stern operating factory trawler "FAIRTRY" was today successfully launched from the Torry Shipyard of Messrs. John Lewis & Sons Limited.

The vessel is the first to be specially designed and built for this service and her design incorporates several novel features. The principal dimensions of the vessel are as follows:-

Length overall…………. …………….. 280'-6"
Length B.P……………………………. 245'-0"
Breadth moulded…………………….. 44'-0"
Depth moulded (Main deck)………… 24'-0"
Depth moulded (Bridge deck)………. 32'-0"

The design of the hull has been tested at the National Physical Laboratory experimental Tank and includes a soft-nose clipper stem with cruiser bow, and a special type cruiser stern with the stern opening for the trawl ramp up which the nets are taken.

Accommodation is provided on the vessel for a total complement of 82, including 19 officers and technicians. Private suites consisting of dayroom, bedroom and bathroom are provided for the Captain and the Chief Engineer, and other officers being accommodated in single berth cabins each with hot and cold water. A separate washplace is provided for the officers, also a well appointed Saloon and Smoke Room. The Petty Officers and crew are accommodated in one, two and four berth cabins and separate mess rooms and toilet facilities are arranged for Petty officers, Stewards and crew. The accommodation throughout is heated and ventilated mechanically on the hot air system by Messrs. Thermotank Limited. In addition this firm are supplying mechanical exhaust ventilation to several of the factory compartments and also to the Galley. This compartment is well equipped with a large double oven cooking range, a baking oven, and a steam jacketed stock pot, this equipment having been supplied by Messrs. Thos. Bishop & Sons, Hillington, Glasgow. Separate pantries are arranged for the officers and the crew. Large domestic refrigerated compartments are provided to carry meat, fish and vegetables.

The trawling gear consists of a 7 tons electric trawl winch by Messrs. Clarke Chapman & Co., Ltd., with twin electric motors, the usual centre and side bollards, and specially designed gallows. On the trawling deck are two flush hinged steel hatches, hydraulically operated, through which the fish pass to the fish pounds. These pounds are insulated and are formed by portable aluminium boards. A Sabroe Scale-Ice machine is fitted on the vessel to supply ice if required.

From the fish pounds, the fish passes to the factory deck. This is a large totally enclosed compartment which houses the washing, filleting, skinning and heading machines and also the quick freeze equipment. After processing, the fish is packed and passes by conveyors and spiral chutes to the various holds. These conveyors etc., are being supplied by Messrs. Moxey Conveyor & Transporter Co. Ltd, of Birmingham,

The Farrar Boiler Works are supplying four concentrator type fish meal plants, complete with grinder and cyclone. The builders are providing the liver boiling plant which includes a special tank for washing the liver oil. Tanks of ample capacity are built into the ship for storing the oil, and a "Mono" type pump is provided for discharging overboard.

There are three cargo compartments each being sub-divided into a number of pounds similar to normal trawler practice. These pounds are formed by portable aluminium boards of special design, supplied by Messrs. Imperial Chemical Industries Ltd., and Messrs. T. I. Aluminium Co., Ltd. The entire interiors of the holds, which are heavily insulated, are lined in aluminium alloy sheets supplied by The British Aluminium Co., Ltd. The refrigerating plant which is supplied by Messrs. L. Sterne & Co., Ltd., is capable of maintaining a temperature of -5° Fahrenheit. The insulating and lining of the holds is being carried out by Messrs. "J.D." Insulating Co., Ltd.

Two 3-ton electric cargo winches are supplied by Messrs. Clarke Chapman & Co., Ltd., who have also supplied the electric windlass and the electric capstan. The electric hydraulic steering gear is supplied by Messrs. John Hastie & Co., Ltd., Greenock, and is fitted with twin motors. It is operated by telemotor control from both the main wheelhouse and the trawl bridge. This trawl bridge is fitted aft and is designed to give a clear view of the trawl ramp, the gallows and the working deck. Both wheelhouses are fitted with Stone's "Wide-Vista" horizontal sliding windows by Messrs. Bulls Metal (Marine) Ltd., and Kent's Clear View Screens are fitted to each compartment.

Navigational equipment includes a Gyro compass by Messrs. S.G. Browne Ltd., Radar, W/T and D/F equipment by Marconi and Echo Sounders with recorders in each bridge by Messrs. Kelvin & Hughes Limited. This firm have also supplied the outfit of magnetic compasses. An extensive telephone system supplied by Messrs. Clifford & Snell connects the various compartments.

The vessel is rigged with a tripod mast on the bridge top to carry the navigational lights and radar scanner, and a total of six samson posts are fitted, each carrying a 2-ton steel derrick. The complete outfit of masts and derricks are supply by Messrs. Stewarts & Lloyds Limited.

The life-saving equipment includes four 28 foot lifeboats supplied by Messrs. J. Watt & Sons, Gardenstown. Each boat is capable of accommodating 50 persons, and one is fitted with a motor. These boats are carried on deck type gravity davits supplied with electric winches, by Messrs. Welin Maclachlan Davits Limited.

The vessel is designed for a large range of operations and large oil fuel bunker tanks and fresh water tank capacities are necessary. In all, there are 15 oil fuel tanks each fitted with a Pneumercator type sounding gauge supplied by Messrs. Kelvin & Hughes Limited.

The propelling machinery consists of a 4 cylinder Lewis-Doxford opposed piston oil engine type 48 S.B.4, developing 1900 B.H.P. at 135 R.P.M. The auxiliary machinery for the main engine consists of Valve Cooling water pumps, Sea water circulating pumps, Jacket and Piston water circulating pumps and forced lub. oil pumps all supplied by Messrs. Drysdale & Co., Ltd. This firm has also supplied the General Service Pump, the Oil Fuel Transfer Pumps and the pumps for the domestic fresh and salt water services, while the bilge pump is supplied by Messrs. J. H. Carruthers & Co., Ltd. The Jacket and Piston Water Cooler, and the lubricating oil coolers are by Messrs. Serck Radiators Ltd., and Messrs. Alfa Laval Co., Ltd., have supplied the oil fuel and Lub. Oil Purifiers. The Air Compressors are by Messrs. G. & J. Weir Ltd., and the Evaporator is also their manufacture. An electric crane is provided and is supplied by Messrs. Anderson-Grice Co., Ltd.

A Cochrane boiler is supplied for the liver oil boiling and fish meal plants and is equipped with Messrs. Alldays & Onions Ltd., forced draught fan and Wallsend oil burning plant. The boiler feed pump is of Messrs. G. & J. Weir manufacture, and the feed water filter is by the Universal Metallic Packing Co., Ltd.

An extensive electrical installation is provided, the electrical power being supplied by four 245 K.W. D.C. generators by Messrs. Clarke Chapman & Co., Ltd., each coupled to a Ruston & Hornsby Mark 6V.E.B.Z. diesel engine. The installation is controlled from a large main switchboard constructed by the Wallsall Electrical Co., Ltd., and as several items of the equipment are fitted with A.C. motors, a motor Alternator by Messrs. Hugh J. Scott & Co., Ltd., of Belfast has been installed.

As the vessel left the ways, she was named by Mrs. L.M. Harper Gow, wife of one of the Directors of the owning Company. She was accompanied on the platform by:-

Mr. L. M. Harper Gow - Owners
Mr. T. Humphreys - Owners
Mr. & Mrs. C. G. Marshall - Owners
Mr. Lochridge - Owners
Mr. Hunter - Owners
Mr. Morrison - Owners
Mr. & Mrs. Andrew H. S. Lewis - Builders
Mr. & Mrs. John Lewis - Builders
Lord Provost Graham & Mrs. Graham"

Note: Engine number 307.
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