Date15 February 1858
Object NameBRIG
Dimensionslength 108.4' x breadth 22.4' x depth 13.1'
gross tonnage 185 tons
gross tonnage 185 tons
Object numberABDSHIP002930
Official Number: 20347
Fate: Wrecked near Gravelines, France, 15 October 1881.
Propulsion: Sail
Description: Brig rigged, clipper bow, 1 deck, 2 masts, round stern, carvel built, no gallery, female figurehead, wood framework.
26/03/1858: Registered at Aberdeen for owners;
John Law, shipowner, Aberdeen, 64 shares.
John Law sells 8 shares to Alexander Davidson junior, Aberdeen, merchant.
John Law sells 8 shares to Alexander Buyers, Aberdeen, shipmaster.
28/10/1872: Registry cancelled, vessel registered de novo,
John Law, Aberdeen, shipowner, 48 shares; Alexander Davidson junior, Aberdeen, merchant, 8 shares; Alexander Buyers, Aberdeen, shipmaster, 8 shares.
19/03/1869: Alexander Davidson junior dies. Remaining joint owners executors.
31/01/1874: Joint owners sell 8 shares to William Booth, Aberdeen, merchant.
11/03/1874: William Booth sells 8 shares to George William Law, Aberdeen, grocer.
02/06/1874: John Law dies. Executors appointed for 48 shares.
16/10/1874: Joint owners issue bill of sale authorising William McDonald, master of the
“ANN LAW” of Aberdeen to sell the ship at Palermo or any other port on the Mediterranean for a sum of not less than twelve hundred pounds within six months.
05/1880: Caught fire at Sunderland. Repaired and re-rigged as a schooner.
29/09/1881: Sailed from Kennetpans, Firth of Forth, for Feechamp [Fécamp] with coal.
16/10/1881: Drove ashore and was wrecked. All crew saved. Telegram reporting loss dates 16th from Flushing.
(Source: Aberdeen Register of Shipping (Aberdeen City Archives) no. 11, 1858; no. 10, 1872)
1858-72: Master A. Buyers
1873-82: Master W. MacLeod
Voyages (from Lloyd's):
1858-60: Aberdeen - Baltic
1861-62: Aberdeen - Newcastle
1862-65: Aberdeen - Mediterranean
1866-67: Aberdeen - Baltic
1868-72: Newcastle - Mediterranean
1873-74: Aberdeen coaster
General History:
Launch - On Monday, there was launched from the building yard of Messrs David Burns & Co., on the Inches, a clipper brig, named the "ANN LAW." Her tonnage is 184 register, 247 builders measurement. The "ANN LAW" is for local owners; she is the first vessel launched by the present firm (though Mr Burns' ability and experience are well known), to whom she does very great credit.
(Aberdeen Journal)
A handsome clipper-brig of about 180 tons was launched on Tuesday from the building yard of Messrs. Burns & Co., Inches. Shortly before two o'clock, a large number of spectators had assembled on the quays immediately opposite, and the usual christening ceremony having been gracefully performed by one of the lady owners, the "ANN LAW" descended beautifully into the water. Her appearance afloat is everything that could be desired as regards symmetry, and we may hope that her sailing qualities will at once do credit to the builders and the port, already justly celebrated for its naval architecture. After the launch, the owners and builders favoured with the presence of several ladies, entertained a select number of their friends to wine and cake, and the future success of the "ANN LAW" was duly pledged, and heartily responded to.
(Aberdeen Herald)
Girgenti [Sicily], 8 Feb. - Brig ANN LAW, back to the roads yesterday. Boats from shore went to assist her.
(Aberdeen Journal)
Stormy voyage of Aberdeen ship - Aberdeen brig ANN LAW put into the port Wednesday having encountered very stormy weather on passage Archangel - London. She left Archangel at beginning of October with general cargo and crew of 8. Shortly after leaving port very heavy gales were experienced, Sunday 21 October while ship was hove to the jib boom and nearly whole of head gear was carried away and heavy seas caused vessel to strain very much. Pumps had to be kept going constantly. Later in voyage another storm came on and main topsail had to be cut away to ease the ship. She lay off the Girdleness from Sunday till Thursday morning and when port was reached crew were in very exhausted condition. Brig is commanded by Capt. Hamilton.
(Aberdeen Journal)
Aberdeen brig ANN LAW, belonging to Mr. James Tulloch, Jr., and commanded by Capt. Moscrop, arrived Aberdeen yesterday, having left Archangel 11 July with cargo of tar. She was expected about middle of August and no little anxiety was felt. She had encountered pretty rough weather, part of deck cargo having been washed away, but no material damage to rigging or hull.
(Aberdeen Weekly Journal)
Brig ANN LAW, in ballast Aberdeen - Leith, went ashore early yesterday morning at North Berwick in very foggy weather, with assistance of tug she was got off and proceeded to Leith. Believed vessel has very little damage.
(Aberdeen Weekly Journal)
Aberdeen vessel dismasted - brig ANN LAW (Hamilton Captain and Owner) was towed into Aberdeen with her mainmast gone. Captain reports that at Sunderland, while loading, the cargo of lime burned the mast about 3 feet below deck. Mast was cut off to save more serious damage and ship towed to Aberdeen by tug CRUSADER.
(Aberdeen Weekly Journal)
Dismasted vessel towed into Aberdeen harbour - Yesterday afternoon the brig ANN LAW, of Aberdeen, Captain Hamilton, arrived in Aberdeen harbour in tow of the steam tug CRUSADER, of Sunderland. The vessel was being laden, at Sunderland, with lime for the Aberdeen Commercial Company, when by some means or other the lime in the hold became slaked and one of the masts below the deck was burned, and had to be cut by the board. The brig was then towed to Aberdeen, where she arrived, as above stated, in the course of the afternoon.
(Aberdeen Free Press)
Loss of an Aberdeen schooner. Intelligence has just reached Aberdeen of the total loss of the schooner ANN LAW, of this port. On Monday morning a telegram, dated Flushing, 16th inst., was received at Aberdeen by Mrs Hamilton, wife of the master of the vessel, intimating that the vessel had been lost, but that the lives of the crew had been saved. No further particulars have as yet come to hand. The ANN LAW left Keennetpans, Firth of Forth, on 29th September, with a cargo of coals for Fee champ, and it is conjectured that, being caught in the recent disastrous storm, the vessel had been driven out of her course and become a total wreck. The ANN LAW, which was a vessel of 185 tons, belonged to the master, Mr G. W. Hamilton, and is, we believe, partly insured. She was built in Aberdeen in 1858, being brig rigged, but in May 1880, she took fire while being laden with lime at Sunderland, and was subsequently repaired and converted into a schooner.
Full particulars have now reached Aberdeen regarding the loss of the schooner ANN LAW of this port. The schooner drove from the Goodwin Sands in a north-westerly gale which lasted for three days, during which the most of her sails were rent to pieces. On the third day the master tried to make Gravelines, but no pilot would venture aboard, and as night approached the danger of grounding on the deceptive sand banks being apparent, the vessel was perforce put about again, and stood away for about five mile from the shore. At this time a tremendous sea was running, which drove the vessel aground and with the shock then sustained the rudder was unshipped, and the stern post carried away by the force of the waves. The decks were swept fore and aft, the galley was dashed overboard, great stretches of the bulwarks and rails carried away, the heavy seas likewise smashed the long boat, and doing a deal of minor damage. The crew, after the vessel had grounded, lost no time in getting the small boat launched and having got crowded into her with difficulty they made for the shore. About four o'clock in the morning the keel of the boat grated on the beach, but the heavy surf immediately upset her and pitched the crew into the water, and it was only by dint of dexterous swimming that they reached the land at all. Nothing of consequence was saved from the wreck, and since the ship foundered there was constantly being washed up on the beach a vast quantity of wreckage, much of which is said to belong to other vessels that have gone ashore during the recent disastrous gale. The master, G. W. Hamilton and mate, William Taylor, arrived in London in a very exhausted condition on Wednesday, the crew having gone there on the previous day. No lives are lost.
(Aberdeen Weekly Journal)
March 1805
11 June 1819