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Shipbuilder (Shipbuilder, Footdee, Aberdeen 1839 - 1881)
DateApril 1867
Object NameCLIPPER
Dimensionslength 196 11/12' x breadth 34' x depth 21'
gross tonnage: 901 ton
Object numberABDSHIP000366
About MeYard: Walter Hood & Co.

Fate: On 28 October 1893 it left New Brunswick for London with a cargo of pitch pine and resin and never arrived.

Propulsion: Sail
Description: ship rigged clipper, 2 decks with a break and a top gallant forecastle, 3 masts, altered to barque 2nd Jan. 1875, round stern, carvel built, no galleries, lion figurehead.
(Source: Aberdeen Register of Shipping (Aberdeen City Archives))

Registered at Aberdeen for subscribing owners;
William Henderson, George Thompson youngest, Stephen Thompson (44 shares jointly); James Buyers, 4 shares; James Greig 4 shares, and 3 others [trading as Aberdeen White Star Line.
(Builder's List in Aberdeen Maritime Museum)
1887: Sold to Norwegian owners, previous registration cancelled 11 October.

1884: Master M. Breach.

General History:
Cape Otway (Victoria) - Jerusalem, ship, 69 days out from London, passed the Cape.
(Sydney Empire)

Jerusalem, ship, arrived Queenscliffe (Victoria) from London.
(Sydney Morning Herald)

Ship ELIZABETH FLEMING, of Glasgow, was discovered to be on fire 14 July 39N, 16W and abandoned following day. Crew taken aboard ship JERUSALEM, Captain Largie, bound from Thames for Melbourne.
(Leeds Mercury)

Report by W. C. Poppy, one of crew of ELIZABETH FLEMING - 'We shaped our course for Madeira at daylight (15 July) and were picked up about 11a.m. by ship JERUSALEM, of Aberdeen for Melbourne. Were conveyed by her to about 15 miles of Madeira, where we again took to our boats and reached Funchal 17 July at about 7p.m.
(Derby Mercury)

Ship JERUSALEM on her voyage from London picked up a boat belonging to barque ELIZABETH FLEMING to northward of Madeira, her crew and one lady passenger landed at Madeira.
(Australian Town & County Journal)

Melbourne - ship JERUSALEM sailed from Hobson's Bay 6 Feb, for London.
(Australian Town & County Journal)

Ship JERUSALEM passed Cape Otway 16 June, 82 days out from Plymouth.
(Bendigo Advertiser)

Ship JERUSALEM, first of number to be chartered by New South Wales agent in England, to convey passengers under the assisted immigration laws, arrived Port Jackson 22 June. Scene at landing was one of extreme life and excitement. Jerusalem was surrounded early one morning after arrival by vast numbers of boats of all kinds and sizes, busily engaged throughout day in trans-shipping both passengers and luggage 3 days before work completed. Although weather on part of voyage was extremely rough, not a single casualty occurred and 313 immigrants were landed in best of health (included recently qualified tradesmen, servant girls, and young women of exceptionally good character).
(Illustrated Australian News)

Detectives have been searching Plymouth in hope of apprehending Emily Richards, wanted on charge of murder. The emigrant ship JERUSALEM carries out the brother of Richards [...] emigrants previous to embarkation are lodged at the depot, where they are all examined by doctors to see if they are affected in any way as would incapacitate them from going [...] Richards not at depot or on board JERUSALEM.
(Belfast Newsletter)

JERUSALEM, ship, of Aberdeen, bound down Channel 25 January.
(Glasgow Herald)

Ship JERUSALEM has arrived Sydney with 300 government immigrants.
(Bendigo Advertiser)

Arrived 26 July, ship JERUSALEM, Largie, 85 days from start point (Devon)
(Sydney Morning Herald)

(sailed for London 11/10/1876)

Ship JERUSALEM, Captain Breach, cleared out for London with 445 bales of wool, and three cases, and one quarter cask of wine.
(Melbourne Argus)

Melbourne, the damaged portion of the teas has been destroyed by request of the agents.
(Sydney Evening News)

JERUSALEM, sailed 29 January for Antwerp.
(Sydney Morning Herald)

JERUSALEM, Bombay - Havre, all well,. 19 September, off Scilly.
(Glasgow Herald)

Melbourne - Maritime Board have ordered investigation into action of masters of tugs Pharos and Racer in towing ship JERUSALEM out to sea when vessel was said to be greatly endangered.
(Riverine Herald (Victoria))

The following details are provided from an onboard diary in the possession of Mr B. C. Springhall:
'The Captain on voyage to Australia in 1875 was Mr James Largiel of Montrose, the mate was a Mr Robert Tofs from Aberdeen and others from Aberdeen were the boatswains mate Mr Henry Anderson, Mr Charles Taylor the donkeyman, Mr Thomas Sanderson the ship's carpenter and two ships apprentice's Alexander Johnson and Fredrick Easton. The total nuber of crew was 31 with 299 emigrants including 4 born on voyage'
Walter Hood & Co.
16 July 1877
"Thermopylae" - Clipper Ship
Aberdeen White Star Line (George Thompson & Co)
April 1869
Walter Hood & Co.
Sailing Ship "Samuel Plimsoll
Walter Hood & Co.
September 1873
Walter Hood & Co.
Alexander HALL & Co.
June 1863
Walter Hood & Co.
May 1875
Walter Hood & Co.
June 1872
sepia toned photograph of clipper ship 'romanoff'
Walter Hood & Co.
August 1874
Walter Hood & Co.
17 February 1866
Alexander HALL & Co.
November 1866
Aberdeen White Star Line (George Thompson & Co)
August 1862