Shipbuildervessel built by
Walter Hood & Co.
(Shipbuilder, Footdee, Aberdeen 1839 - 1881)
Object NameBRIG
Dimensionslength 102' 7" x breadth 23' x depth 12'
gross tonnage 186 ton
gross tonnage 186 ton
Object numberABDSHIP000380
Official number: 65104
Fate: Enroute from Aberdeen with cargo of granite run down by the armoured cruiser HMS SUTLEJ near St. Abbs Head and sunk, 18 September 1903.
Propulsion: Sail
Description: 1 deck, 2 masts, snow rigged, shield figurehead. Iron framed planked.
10/03/1874: Registered at Aberdeen for subscribing owners;
Aberdeen Commercial Co. 64 shares
Manager William Black 1874 and Alexander Copland 1884.
(Builder's List in the Lloyd's Library of the Aberdeen Maritime Museum)
1877: Master Fraser
1884: Master J. Petherich
1898-1903: Master G. Wishart
General History:
CHARLES CHALMERS (brig) of Aberdeen, from London for Sutherland in ballast, has been towed into Lowestoft Harbour from Corton Roads.
(Glasgow Herald)
On Saturday morning telegram was received by the Aberdeen Commerical Co. stating that their brig CHARLES CHALMERS had gone ashore on the sands to the north of Newburgh during the night and requesting assistance to be sent. Tug GRANITE CITY was at once despatched and the brig got off without damage with the tide in the afternoon. The trawler BEN LEDI, with Mr. Copland, manager of the Commercial Co., on board, was also sent to the spot, but her services were not required, the brig, after being lightened by several tons of coal, floating off at high water. Vessel left Sunderland with coals on Tuesday and missed the lights at Aberdeen on Friday night in dense fog and struck on the sands at Newburgh about half past one on following morning. She is commanded by Captain Patrick.
(Aberdeen Journal)
Capt. George Milne of brig CHARLES CHALMERS applied to Aberdeen Harbour Board for a pilotage certificate.
(Aberdeen Weekly Journal)
Shipmaster wanted. Good coaster, for brig CHARLES CHALMERS. Apply to Manager, Aberdeen Commercial Co., Ltd.
(Aberdeen Weekly Journal)
(Advert to builders, plasterers, farmers and others) brig CHARLES CHALMERS is now discharging cargo of finest carley lime (Aberdeen Commerical Co.)
(Aberdeen Weekly Journal)
The gale... brig CHARLES CHALMERS, Capt. Wishart, belonging to Aberdeen Commercial Co., which left London last week for Aberdeen, has taken refuge in Hull.
(Aberdeen Weekly Journal)
Aberdeen brig CHARLES CHALMERS, belonging to the Commercial Co., arrived at the port last night after having experienced fearful weather. Vessel left Aberdeen Wednesday forenoon with cargo of stones for Sunderland. That evening a gale sprang up and blew with great force throughout the night. She succeeded in getting as far south as Bell Rock, but wind veering round to south east, she was driven out of her course and Capt. Wishart was ultimately obliged to turn his ship, with only the close-reefed maintopsail set, she ran before the wind until she was off Bervie. Getting under the lee of the land at this point, Capt. Wishart had comparatively easy sailing and Aberdeen was reached in safety.
(Aberdeen Weekly Journal)
May 1867
15 February 1858