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Image Not Available for SPRAY


Shipbuilder (Aberdeen, Scotland, 1864 - 1992)
DateJune 1872
Dimensionslength 180 5/12' x breadth 28 1/12' x depth 14 3/6'
Gross Tonnage: 606 ton
Object numberABDSHIP001826
About MeYard: Hall, Russell & Co.
Yard Number: 183
Official Number: 67528
Subsequent Name: DUNVEGAN (1932)

Fate: Broken up by T. W. Ward, Ltd, Preston, December 1958.

Propulsion: Steam
Description: Screw steamer, one deck, two masts, schooner rigged, round stern, clench built, no gallery, no head, iron framework.

1872: Registered at West Hartlepool for Thomas E. Watson (Watson & Co in Lloyd's).
1878: Purchased by Pyman, Watson & Co., Cardiff from Thos E. Watson, West Hartlepool.
08/09/1887: Aberdeen registry opened. John Ellie & Charles McHardy, both of Aberdeen, joint owners, 64 shares. Transferred from no. 20. [of] 1872, West Hartlepool.
12/12/1899: Owner John Ellis, 22 Regent Quay, Aberdeen (coal merchant), 64 shares.
07/05/1904: Mortgage to North of Scotland Bank Limited, Aberdeen.
29/2/1928: John Ellis died. Estate to trustees.
24/7/1928: Discharge of mortgage.
27/10/1932: Owners Monroe Bros. Ltd. (Liverpool or Aberdeen). Renamed DUNVEGAN.
07/1942: Owners Springfal Shipping, London.
01/1945: The Admiralty
(Aberdeen Register of Shipping (Aberdeen City Archives))

1873: Master H. Dew
1874-75: Master A. Hastings
1876: Master J. Cooper
1877: Master T. Tindale
1878-82: Master J. Donovan
1884: Master Hussell
1887: Master Dolmaboy
1888-92: Master Sharp
1894-97: Master H. Allen
1898-1904: Master C. Lawrence
1906-08: Master W. Wright
1909: Master G. Alves

General History:
The fine screw steamer SPRAY, built by Hall Russell & Co. for Watson & Co., West Hartlepool, went out to the bay for a trial of speed against the measured mile, when everything worked very satisfactorily. Main speed attained was 9 and one quarter knots on 6 and one half CWT of coal per hour. SPRAY leaves for Newcastle next week under command of Captain Deid. [24/07/72: Left for Newcastle to load cargo of coals and iron for Copenhagen.]
(Dundee Courier)

Steamer SPRAY, of West Hartlepool, found the French Companie General Transatlantiques steamer AMERIQUE (4,500 tons, previously abandoned by crew and passengers) with 6-8 feet of water in her engine room. SPRAY and steamer F. T. BARRY towed her into Plymouth.
(Daily News)

Judge regretted charge of theft by owners of AMERIQUE had not been withdrawn. Ship had been abandoned off Ushant, 14 hours later was discovered by barque AUBURN, which put 2 men aboard, and subsequently by SPRAY, which put 5 men aboard and began towing (joined by F. T. BARRY following morning.). £500 awarded to AUBURN. £15,500 to SPRAY and £14,000 to F. T. BARRY. Cooper and mate of SPRAY to receive double share.
(Manchester Times)

AMERIQUE's owners claimed award excessive, judgement reserved. Reported SPRAY, Newport for Gibraltar, on 15 April came on AMERIQUE, mate and two seamen boarded her, followed by engineer, water in her hold was gaining, they secured side ports and set some sails.
(Western Mail)

Steamer SPRAY, of Newport, Newcastle-Keil with coal, grounded in Keil Bay near Laboe, but floated after discharging 150 tons of cargo into lighters, has arrived Keil apparently undamaged.
(Daily Gazette)

Steamer SPRAY, of Cardiff, Capt. Donovan, Alloa-Pillau with coal, grounded on leaving Alloa and will have to lighten.
(Western Mail)

Steamer SPRAY ran down and sank off Danish coast schooner MILKY WAY of Fraserburgh.
(Dundee Courier)

During heavy weather off Flamborough Head, steamer SPRAY, of West Hartlepool, struck steamer TEES broadside on, so violently that TEES speedily sank. Crew saved from boats by SPRAY, which was comparatively uninjured.
(Manchester Times)

Owners of SPRAY, Ellis & McHardy of Aberdeen, given judgement against owners of steamer CLUTHA, of Sunderland, for collision 21 June 1888 on river Wear.
(Aberdeen Weekly Journal)

SPRAY stranded during fog on St. Mary's Island near Blyth, got off by tugs. Several plates indented. [13/5/1893: Board of Trade enquiry - Capt. Allan ship would not have gone on rocks if course he set before going below had been properly steered. Mate, who had been steering, argued compasses must have been defective. 16/05/1893: Mate's certificate suspended for 3 months.]
(Aberdeen Weekly Journal)

SPRAY, Capt. Allan, grounded on Coquet Island near Mouth of Tyne. Towed to South Shields, where broken propeller will be repaired.
(Dundee Courier)

SPRAY, Capt. Smith, ran into and sank schooner OSPRAY off Souter Point, Durham. 4 of crew drowned. only one saved. [28/02/1895: Board of Trade enquiry - SPRAY's 2nd mate, Chalmers, gravely in default for failing to comply with regulations for preventing collisions at sea. Certificate suspended 12 months.]
(Aberdeen Weekly Journal)

SPRAY put back to Aberdeen after making water in storm. A good many hull plates sprung and keel badly damaged in 3 places.
(Aberdeen Weekly Journal)

While entering Aberdeen, collided with steam trawler BENDIGO, SPRAY's bow badly damaged.
(Dundee Courier)

1945: Converted into a floating laboratory and permanently moored off HM Anti-Submarine Experimental Establishment at Fairlie on the Clyde where it was used for development work on ASDIC equipment. (

Veterans: Our Aberdeen - built ships are noted for their longevity, but, even so, it is surprising to hear of one reaching the venerable age of eighty-six! Yes, eighty-six. According to the latest maritime sales list, the 632 - ton Admiralty research and development steamer, DUNVEGAN, which has just been sold to Preston shipbreakers, came, as the SPRAY, from Hall, Russell’s yard In 1872. This veteran—she must have seen a lot of spray during her lengthy career —seems to have changed hands several times. She didn't Join the Navy until 1945 when she was seventy-three. At that time she would, I Imagine, be older than any member of the Board of Admiralty. Certainly the DUNVEGAN has been a good advertisement for Aberdeen craftsmanship, and it might not be a bad idea for the city to ask for her builder’s plate from the Preston shipbreaking firm, T. W. Ward, Ltd., for preservation in some suitable place.
(Aberdeen Evening Express)

Engine details: Steam screw, two, direct acting, compound, 24"x45" with 30" stroke. 80hp, 292.2ihp.
Boiler: Number 1 - iron S.B., 21'1" diameter, 9'10" length with 2 P.F. furnaces with 1359 square feet heating area and 65psi.
Propeller: 11'7" in diameter, cast iron, solid 4-bladed.
1917: Collision damage, starboard side at engine room. 5 plates renewed, also extensive bottom damage. Docked 26 July 1917 - un-docked 3 August 1917. (Aberdeen Register of Shipping)
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