Shipbuildervessel built by
(Footdee, Aberdeen)
DateMarch 1818
Object NameSNOW
Dimensionslength 80' x breadth 21' 10" x depth 4' 11" (between decks)
gross tonnage: 162 61/94 tons
gross tonnage: 162 61/94 tons
Object numberABDSHIP000396
Fate: wrecked on the Colorado Islands, on the north west coast of Cuba, 1 January 1830.
Propulsion: Sail
Description: Snow rigged, one and a half decks, 2 masts, standing bowsprit, square stern, carvel built, man's bust figurehead.
1824: Registered at Aberdeen subscribing owners;
Andrew Geddes, 6 shares; Robert Ragg, 3 shares; James Riddel, 2 shares; all Aberdeen.
Other owners in 1824; John Duncan, 11 shares; George Thomson, 5 shares; John Mirrieless, 5 shares; William Simpson, 16 shares; William Pirie, 5 shares; all merchants in Aberdeen. Alexander Shand, shipmaster, Aberdeen, 11 shares.
(Source: Aberdeen Register of Shipping (Aberdeen City Archives))
(1818-30: Lloyd's underwriters has ownership changes between names in the above shareholder list)
1818-27: Master A. Shand
1824-26: Master Robert Hodge (Aberdeen register for 1824, only in Lloyd's 1826)
1828-30: Master R. Lawson
Voyages (Lloyd's underwriters):
1818-19: London - Rio de Janeiro
1820-21: Liverpool - Newfoundland
1822: London - Genoa
1822-23: London - Cape of Good Hope
1823: London - Gibraltar
1824-25: Liverpool - Leghorn
1826: London - Trieste
1827: London - Gibraltar
1828: London - Vera Cruz
1829: Liverpool - Barbados
1830: Belfast
General History:
The brig SUCCESS, Shand, from Galipoli [sic] to Petersburgh [St. Petersburg], with oil. was driven ashore in a hard gale of wind on the 18th ult. [March] on the west coast of the island of Sicily. The vessel lay on a sandy beach, part of the cargo had been got out and was alongside as was a small vessel to take out the remainder; so that it was expected if the weather continued moderate, she would be got off without much damage'.
(Aberdeen Journal)
Mon. Feb. 4; arrived at Liverpool, SUCCESS, Lawson, [from] New Orleans, with cotton
(English Chronicle and Whitehall Evening Post)
At Barbados: SUCCESS, Lawson, from Liverpool
(Public Ledger and Daily Advertiser)
Havana, 30th Jan. The SUCCESS, Lawson, from Liverpool to Matanzas, was wrecked on the Colorados, 1st inst. and when the Crew left her, she was full of water. The Master and Crew, with extra hands, went from hence on the 16th inst. in a Schooner, to save as much as possible of the cargo, but we fear the vessel will be totally lost.
(Lloyd's List)
Note: Lloyd's says snow rigged (or occasionally brig), Aberdeen register has 'square rigged', the painting has Brig written but clearly shows the small mizzen next to the main mast which characterises a snow.
August 1824
September 1824
May 1825
11 May 1815