Shipbuildervessel built by
(Footdee, Aberdeen)
Shipownervessel built for
Leslie Cruickshank
(Aberdeen, Scotland)
DateOctober 1823
Object NameSMACK
Dimensionslength 56'3" x breadth 18'3¾" x depth 9'9"
gross tonnage 76 65/94 tons
gross tonnage 76 65/94 tons
Object numberABDSHIP000417
Fate: unknown, last in Lloyd's 1830 (P375).
Propulsion: Sail
Description: 1 deck, 1 mast, smack rigged, running bowsprit, square stern, carvel built, no figurehead.
1825: Registered at Aberdeen for subscribing owners;
Leslie Cruickshank, 32 shares; John Johnston Jnr, 8 shares; both merchants. William Inglis, manager of Newcastle Shipping Co. 8 shares; all Aberdeen.
Other owners in 1825; George Thomson, 8 shares; William Pirie, 4 shares; William Wilson, stoneware merchant, 4 shares; all Aberdeen merchants.
(Source: Aberden Register of Shipping (Aberdeen City Archives))
1824-25: Master C. Keuson
1825: Master Robert Couper (Aberdeen Register)
1826: Master C. Kenn
1827-30: Master Thom
Voyages (Lloyd's underwriters):
1824-25: Yarmouth - Scotland
1826-30: London coaster
General History:
THE Smack PIRATE of 77 Tons Register, as presently lying in this Harbour, at Waterloo Quay, will be Sold, by Public Sale, in Mrs Ronald's Lemon Tree, on Friday 11th June next, at six o'clock evening.
This Vessel got a thorough Repair lately - is well adapted for the Coasting Trade - sails fast - carries a large cargo for her tonnage, and draws' little water. In order to insure a Sale,- the Upset Price will be £429
For Inventory and other particulars, apply to LESLIE CRUICKSHANK. Aberdeen, May 25, 1830
(Aberdeen Journal)
Note: Lloyd's underwriters has the owner as Sampson 1824-30.
September 1824
1 April 1825
28 July 1815
14 July 1819
11 May 1815
February 1825