Duthie Family
Aberdeen, Scotland
For much of the nineteenth century the Duthie family were prominent Aberdeen shipowners and builders. Their vessels ranged from wool clippers to steam trawlers.
The Duthie shipyard was established in 1816 by William Duthie, a former apprentice at Alexander Hall. By 1863 the firm had its final name: John Duthie, Sons & Co.
At first the Duthies built small vessels but, by mid-century, they were producing clippers. These were often named after family members and were always smart and well finished.
In the late nineteenth century the company built steam ships, mostly fishing vessels. They produced the first screw trawler, North Star, in 1883.
However, the Duthies were at a disadvantage in this market as they did not build engines.
John Duthie, Sons & Co. closed in 1907 and the yard was taken over by Hall Russell. The firm is remembered for its clippers but also William Duthie's enterprise. He pioneered the South American guano trade and set up a regular London to Australia shiping link.
four masted sailing ship, 1882 - 1917
Ship builders; 1811 - 1958
1868 - 1893
Shipbuilder, Footdee, Aberdeen 1839 - 1881
Clipper Ship, built 1850
Aberdeen, Scotland, 1864 - 1992
Peterhead, Scotland
died c.1977
Aberdeen, Scotland, 1907 - 1976
1878 - 1915
Dundee, Scotland, founded 1851
Inverbervie, Scotland, 1837 - 1900
Montrose, Scotland, 1864 - 1918
Aberdeen, Scotland
Aberdeen, Scotland, 1905 - 1995
Aberdeen, Scotland, built 1887
clipper ship, built 1869
Steamship, built 1873
passenger and cargo vessel, built 1939
steam screw trawler, built 1891
1868 - 1899