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Cast Iron Children's Bank Owned By Alexander Duthie
Alexander Duthie
Cast Iron Children's Bank Owned By Alexander Duthie
Cast Iron Children's Bank Owned By Alexander Duthie

Alexander Duthie

About MeAlexander Duthie
(1870 - 1929)
Alexander was the eldest son of Captain James Duthie, by his second marriage. He ran the Duthie Ropeworks until the 1920s. Alexander lived at Netherby House, Cults with his wife Mary and daughters Gladys and Marjory. Many of the items in the museum collection relating to the Duthie family were donated by Gladys.

Class Attendance Record
1868 - 1899
Duthie Family
Aberdeen, Scotland
George Jamesone
Aberdeen, Scotland, c.1589 - 1644
Maritime Insurance Policy for Port Jackson
four masted sailing ship, 1882 - 1917
Rifleman - Clipper Ship
clipper ship, built 1860
Christina Lovie Burnett
Buchanhaven, Peterhead, Scotland, born 1874
Arthur Taylor
Granite Merchant and Manufacturer, active c.1882-1956
Ann Duthie
1868 - 1893
Frances Farquharson
Seattle, Portland, USA, 1903 - 1991
Abergeldie" Entering Sydney Heads
clipper ship, built 1869
Black and white photograph showing the Duthie built and owned Steamship 'Telephone' at the Quay…
Steamship, built 1873
William Duthie
Aberdeen, Scotland, 1860 - 1941
Flared Magpie Vase by Carlton Ware
Stoke-on-Trent, England, 1898 - 1958
Bills of Sale For 3/64 Shares for the trawler Sunrise
steam screw trawler, built 1891
Alex Milne
died c.1977
The Stone Trades Journal: Volume LXIV, September-October 1941 (No. 9-10)
Granite mason
Clunie", Steam Coaster
built in Aberdeen in 1889 at the Duthie shipyard
Countess of Kintore
Aberdeen, Scotland, 1866 - 1882
Alexander Taylor
Aberdeen, Scotland
Horn Beaker
Aberdeen, Scotland, 1825 - 1997
Gwynneth Holt
Wednesbury, England, 1909 - 1995