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Kellie Lodging Gallery
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Kellie Lodging Gallery

Pittenweem, Fife, Scotland
About MeRun by Joyce Laing
Nigel Grounds
Armadale, Skye, born 1962
Joyce Winifred Cairns
Edinburgh, Scotland, born 1947
Colin Thoms
Edinburgh, Scotland, 1912 - 1997
Sir David Wilkie
Pitlessie, Fife, Scotland, 1785 - 1841
Ann Spence Black
Dysart, Fife, Scotland, 1861 - 1947
David Mach
Fife, Scotland, born 1956
Falling from Grace by Gwen Hardie
Fife, Scotland, born 1962
Chemist Shop 205 Union Street
Aberdeen, Scotland, founded c.1834
Hall, Russell & Company, Limited
Aberdeen, Scotland, 1864 - 1992
Adrian Hope
Edinburgh, Scotland, born 1953
Patch Box by James Gordon
Aberdeen, Scotland, active c.1766 - 1806
Book of Clippings and Photographs, Powis Community Centre
Aberdeen, Scotland, founded 1942
Tracey Johnston
Aberdeen, Scotland, born 1970
Charles Mcdonald Limited
Froghall Granite Works, founded 1877
19th Century Stage Coach
Sandy Dunbar
London, England, 1929 - 2012
Eclipse, Auxiliary Steam Whaler
Ship builders; 1811 - 1958
Keith Hall, Aberdeenshire, Scotland, 1849 - 1915