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The Great Tantalizer Puzzle
John E Esslemont Limited
The Great Tantalizer Puzzle
The Great Tantalizer Puzzle

John E Esslemont Limited

Aberdeen, Scotland, founded 1864
About MeFirm of Aberdeen tea importers, 20th century.

Address in 1912 directory listed as 16 King Street (possibly renumbering) - not listed as a limited company

John E Esslemont himself died in 1927 aged 89 - see obituary in file. Brother of Peter Esslemont, MP.
Photograph of Front Yard at Victoria Granite Works
Victoria Granite Works, 1871 - 1962
Rock Drill Arrangement
Aberdeen, Scotland, founded 1866
Front of Photograph
active 1879 - 1886
Arthur Taylor
Granite Merchant and Manufacturer, active c.1882-1956
J & J Ingram
Aberdeen, Scotland
Chemist Shop 205 Union Street
Aberdeen, Scotland, founded c.1834
Macduff, Scotland, 1896 - 2012
Long Nosed Scared-Head Mid-Spoon
Aberdeen, Scotland, 1825 - 1884
H.W. and L. Dee
London, England, 1827 - 1884
Percussion Cap Pistol
Aberdeen, Scotland, active 1823 - 1880
Book of Fashion Brochure Clippings for Watt & Grant
Linlithgow, Scotland, 1891 - 1975
Mary Esslemont
Aberdeen, Scotland, 1891 - 1984
Andrew Horner
Kincardine, Scotland, 1864 - 1959
George Cassie & Son Ltd
Aberdeen, Scotland, 1822 - 1982
Earl Of Carlisle
Inches, Aberdeen
James Watson
Aberdeen, Scotland
John Harper Sr.
1823 - 1906
Charles Playfair
Aberdeen, Scotland, 1821 - 1956
Lord Provost Peter Esslemont
Udny, Aberdeenshire, Scotland, 1834 - 1894
Two Silver Communion Beakers from St Clement's Church made by George Booth and Sons
Aberdeen, Scotland, active 1815 - 1850