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Tan Leather Platform Sole Shoes
Tan Leather Platform Sole Shoes
Tan Leather Platform Sole Shoes


London, England
About MeLondon fashion boutique during the 1970s
Bill Gibb
New Pitsligo, Scotland, 1943 - 1988
Drawing of Top, Dress and Jacket Designed for Yvonne Keeley
Rotterdam, Netherlands, born 1952
Drawing of Red Net Gown with Fabric Swatch for Jeddah Collection
Jeddah, Saudi Arabia
Drawing of Bridesmaid Dress for Private Commission for Tessa
Oxford, England, born 1957
Multidrawing of Coats for Private Commission Linda Martin or Cilla Black
Vauxhall, Liverpool, England, 1943 - 2015
Charles Mcdonald Limited
Froghall Granite Works, founded 1877
Packard, Kentucky, USA, 1926 - 2010
Drawings of Suit for Private Commission for Bianca Jagger
Managua, Nicaragua, born 1945
Multidrawing of Coats for Private Commission Linda Martin or Cilla Black
Belfast, Northern Ireland, born 1953
Drawing of Dress for Diane von Fürstenberg
Belgium, born 1946
George Cassie & Son Ltd
Aberdeen, Scotland, 1822 - 1982
Velour Hat
Italy, died 1950
Frances Farquharson
Seattle, Portland, USA, 1903 - 1991
Colour photograph showing the fishing vessel Lorwood
founded 1955
German gunboat station tender Frauenlob at Aberdeen harbour
Newcastle upon Tyne, England, 1913 - 1978
Drawing of Wedding Dress Designed for Lucy Dahl
England, born 1965
Trawler David Wood
trawler built 1957