Shipbuildervessel built by
Alexander HALL & Co.
(Footdee, Aberdeen)
Dimensionslength 101.7' x breadth 20.2' x depth 13.1'
gross tonnage 149 tons (in Lloyd's Register as 240 tons)
gross tonnage 149 tons (in Lloyd's Register as 240 tons)
Object numberABDSHIP001048
Yard Number: 160
Fate: unknown, last in Lloyd's 1869 (A513).
Propulsion: Sail
Description: Schooner rigged clipper. Wood sheathed with yellow metal.
1848: Buchanan, Hamilton & Co., registered at Glasgow
1852-55: Falkland Island Co., registered at the Falkland Islands
1856: Ivens & Co., registered at Bristol
1857-59: Geller & Co., registered at Liverpool
1861-69: Watson & Co.
1848-49: Master Crichton
1852-55: Master B. Wilson
1857-59: Master Wainwright
1861-62: Master Fitzsimonds
1863-69: Master Valentine
Voyage (from Lloyd's):
1848-51: Aberdeen - China
1852: Liverpool - Rio de Janeiro
1853-56: Liverpool - Falkland Islands
1857-59: Bristol - Mediterranean
1861-69: Liverpool - South America
Launch - launched from building yard of Alexander Hall & Sons a fine 12 year clipper schooner named AMELIA, built expressly for Buchanan, Hamilton & Co. of Glasgow. This schooner, for neatness of rigging and elegance of model, has not been surpassed by any vessel built at this port.
(Aberdeen Journal)
Dreadful mutiny and murders on board the AMELIA of Glasgow - AMELIA chartered to carry £64,000 of gold and silver Mexico - Hong Kong. Most of crew non British. Mutiny broke out about 2am 3 Oct. 1838. Three of crew stabbed Second Mate (Officer of Watch), supercargo and a passenger to death and forced remainder of crew to surrender. Capt. MacNally, trapped in his cabin, would at first not surrender. Then he made a deal with the mutineers that he would show them their course if he was allowed to take away in the gig two women aboard (the murdered passenger's wife and her maid). Captain gave them course, but was then murdered and thrown overboard. Mutineers distributed the gold among the crew, found the wine and became intoxicated. Next night loyal members of crew, led by Jan Smit, fell upon mutineers in the dark and killed them. Vessel reached Honolulu 12 Oct. All loyal members of crew brought to cabin money which had been distributed to them and it was taken charge of by British Consul. Jan Smit has been presented with £1100 and valuable sextant by insurance companies.
(Liverpool Mercury)
Died of fever on board schooner AMELIA, on voyage San Francisco - Valparaiso [Chile], Captain Robert Kerr, late of the Levenside, of Greenock.
(Glasgow Herald)
Note: Cost at construction £4,642 (Builder's list in the Lloyd's Library of the Aberdeen Maritime Museum)
September 1826