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Image Not Available for MATIN


Shipbuilder (Aberdeen, Scotland, 1864 - 1992)
Dimensionslength 175 5/12' x breadth 26 1/12' x depth 14 3/6'
Gross Tonnage: 560 ton
Object numberABDSHIP001829
About MeYard: Hall, Russell & Co.
Yard Number: 186
Official Number: 68265

Fate: Sank in the southern North Sea, 85 miles west north west of Borkum, 9 September 1905

Propulsion: Steam
Description: Screw steamer, iron, 1 deck, raised quarter deck 54 ft, bridge deck 53 ft.

1873-81: R. A. Mudie & Sons, registered at Dundee
1882: H. T. Morton, Biddick Hall, Sunderland, registered at Sunderland
1883-95: Earl of Durham
1896-1903: Lambton Collieries Ltd., Newcastle-upon-Tyne, T. T. Nicholson, Manager.
1903: A. Tobias, Brake, Germany.

1874: Master McKetchnie
1875-81: Master J. Mudie
1883: Master J. Baker
1884: Master Murton
1888-1901: Master Z. A. Lucas
1903: Master R. Herring
1904: Master H. Reemts

General History:
Steamer MATIN, belonging to R. H. Mudie & Son, coal agents, arrived here Tuesday on her first voyage - with 760 tons coal from Newcastle on draught of 14ft and average 9 and a half knots.
(Dundee Courier)

MATIN was returning from Sunderland with full cargo of coals and while entering King William dock struck wharf with great force, carrying away great part of woodwork and breaking stem from heel to within short distance of top. Water began to flow plentifully into fore part of vessel. She was speedily drawn to north side of tidal basin and lighter having been placed alongside, men at once began to discharge cargo. She will then be placed on patent slip for repair. Master is Capt. McKechnie.
(Dundee Courier)

Collision occurred yesterday at mouth of Tay between steamers MATIN, Capt. Mudie, Sunderland-Dundee and steamer CELT, Dundee-Leith. CELT struck MATIN amidships on starboard side, cutting her down below the waterline. As MATIN began to sink she was run ashore. CELT had her stem knocked to pieces and also had to be run ashore. [05/08/1876: MATIN placed in old graving dock for repair.]
(Daily News)

Steamer MATIN, Capt. Mudie, Dundee-Sunderland, came speedily to assistance of steamer ANGLICA, Dundee-London with cargo and passengers, ashore about 3 miles north of holy island. With aid of HARVEST QUEEN, MATIN succeeded in towing her off and took her to St. Abbs Head. MATIN then left for Dundee to get assistance, took aboard tow rope and returned with 2 tugs. The four rescue vessels, with ANGLICA in tow, arrived Dundee yesterday.
(Dundee Courier)

Owners of steamer MATIN, of Dundee, received letter from Capt. Mudie, arrived Ostend, with details of collision off Whitby with brigantine VENTURE of Lynn. Last Thursday at 4am he made carful survey with his glass and saw no lights, then went below, instructing 2nd mate to keep good lookout. After about 2 minutes engines were stopped, MATIN having collided with VENTURE, which showed no light. MATIN picked up VENTURE's crew of 4 and cruised around till dawn, but found no trace of missing vessel. Captain and crew of VENTURE were placed aboard a smack and landed at Scarborough. MATIN sustained very little injury.
(Newcastle Courant)

Sunderland pilotage commission - Pilot summoned to explain why steamer MATIN went aground on the bar on 13 January. He explained that, as they were trying to turn vessel round the stone head, she would not answer her starboard helm and they had to bring her astern, when she struck ground. Board satisfied.
(Newcastle Courant)

Funeral at Dundee of Capt. James Mudie of steamer MATIN. While navigating up Thames he fell down of deck and suddenly expired. His body was brought to Dundee aboard CAMBRIA and funeral took place from that vessel. Ships in harbour flew flags at half mast as token of respect for deceased, who was much esteemed.
(Dundee Courier)

Steamer MATIN, Honfleur-Sunderland in ballast, came ashore 2:30am in heavy gale and strong sea, at Camber coastguard station near Rye. Crew of 16 taken off by Rye lifeboat, Captain remaining.
(Glasgow Herald)

Board of Trade enquiry at Sunderland into stranding of Lambton steamer MATIN at Camber. Capt. Baker, 20 years in Lambton service, was reprimanded for not having proper and efficient charts.
(Northern Echo)

Steamer MATIN, for Sunderland, detained at Trouville with loss of propeller and tail end of shaft broken.
(Freeman's Journal)

Through collision with steamer MATIN in river at Sunderland 9 March, steamer FENTON had 3 plates in port side damaged.
(Aberdeen Weekly Journal)

Steamer MATIN, Sunderland-Aberdeen, was towed into Shields this evening with tail end of shaft broken.
(Northern Echo)

MATIN, steamer of Sunderland, took ground entering Pool harbour, but floated under own steam. No damage.
(Western Mail)

German steamer MATIN, Sunderland for Brake, sunk 85 miles W.N.W. from Borkum. Crew taken off the British trawler Riversdale, and landed here.—Bremen, Sept. 11.
(Daily News (London))

Engines: Compound, inverted, boiler pressure 70 lb, cylinders 23½ " and 27½ ", stroke 30", 75 h.p.
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