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Shipbuilder (Aberdeen, Scotland, 1864 - 1992)
Object NameSTEAMER
Dimensionslength 174 5/12' x breadth 24 1/12' x depth 13 3/12'
Gross Tonnage: 366 ton
Object numberABDSHIP001815
About MeYard: Hall, Russell & Co.
Yard Number: 171

Fate: Abandoned after collision and drifted ashore 2 miles south of Donmouth, 23 February 1904

Propulsion: Steam
Description: Screw steamer, 1 deck, 2 masts, schooner rigged, round stern, clencher built, no galleries, semi male figurehead,

1871-93: Aberdeen, Newcastle and Hull Steam Navigation Co.
(Source: Aberdeen Shipping Register (Aberdeen City Archives))
1894-1904: Aberdeen, Leith and Moray Steam Ship Co.

1871-79: Master A. Linklater
1880-81: Master Urquhart
1882-92: Master Wright
1894-1904: Master A. McDonald

General History:
Aberdeen, Newcastle and Hull Steam Co.'s steamer JAMES HALL (new ship), etc., will sail, with LIBERTY to tow. Splendid passenger accommodation with stewards and stewardesses in attendance; 1st cabin 10s, 2nd cabin 5s; goods and livestock carried on deck at shipper's risk. Joseph Wood, 43a Marischal St.
(Aberdeen Journal)

Fine A1 screw steamer JAMES HALL, Capt. Andrew Linklater, will sail during July from Aberdeen 1, 8, 15, 22, 29; from Hull 4, 11, 18, 25; 1st cabin 15s, 2nd cabin 10s; passengers requested to take charge of own luggage.
(Aberdeen Journal)

Aberdeen, Newcastle and Hull Steam Co.'s JAMES HALL will sail in February Aberdeen-Inverness 13, 27; Inverness-Aberdeen 14, 28; Aberdeen-Invergordon & Cromarty 6, 20; Invergordon & Cromarty-Aberdeen 7, 21; through fares to Newcastle and Hull; ample accommodation on deck for livestock.
(Aberdeen Journal)

Steamer for sale - 1st class iron screw steamer JAMES HALL, built 1870 by Hall Russell under special survey and classed 90 A1 at Lloyds. Carries about 400 tons deadweight cargo, with 50 tons coal in bunkers. Compound engine, speed about 10 knots, coal consumption about 7 cwt per hour; good passenger accommodation. Has been principally employed in coasting trade carrying goods and passengers, and is only being sold owing to having no further use for her; steamer in fine order; owners Aberdeen, Newcastle and Hull Steam Co., Ltd. [Apparently unsold].
(Aberdeen Journal)

Election meeting in Evie and Kental, Orkney - Steamer JAMES HALL was to bring speakers home, but went ashore at Skerey on east side of Gairsay, floated off after hour or two.
(Glasgow Herald)

Mr. William Skirving, manager of Aberdeen, Newcastle and Hull Co. received telegram from Capt. Phillips on JAMES HALL, presently chartered by Dr. Badenoch, Conservative candidate, stating that mate, Alexander Mann fell overboard while anchor being secured at Bruce's Sand Lodge. Boat was launched and search continued for some time without success. Weather very stormy.
(Aberdeen Weekly Journal)

Manager of Aberdeen Newcastle and Hull Steam Co. complained to Aberdeen harbour trustees that their steamer JAMES HALL recently made voyage to Hamburg - Return with sand ballast was charged at full tonnage dues. [Reversed].
(Aberdeen Weekly Journal)

In violent snowstorm JAMES HALL unable to sail to Aberdeen and north due to heavy sea punning at Aberdeen.
(Glasgow Herald)

JAMES HALL put in yesterday at Longhope, Orkney, from S. Ronaldsay, being unable to call at Wick.
(Glasgow Herald)

JAMES HALL dragged anchor in hurricane force winds and stranded opposite north walls breakwater, Longhope. No material damage expected because of sandy beach.
(Aberdeen Weekly Journal)

Aberdeen steamer JAMES HALL, Capt. Wright, intended to sail regularly between Glasgow and Aberdeen via Dundee, sailed from Dundee with 20 tons bail goods.
(Aberdeen Weekly Journal)

JAMES HALL delayed overnight, Leith-Aberdeen with cargo, due to breakdown of shaft off Bell Rock. Crew made temporary repairs. (11/02/1896: Placed in graving dock for repairs.)
(Aberdeen Weekly Journal)

John Mackenzie, chief engineer of JAMES HALL, died yesterday after accident, supposed he had fallen when going aboard.
(Glasgow Herald)

COLLISION AT ABERDEEN. STEAMER DRIVEN ASHORE, RESCUE OF CREW. The steamer JAMES HALL, belonging to the Aberdeen, Leith, and Moray Firth Company, and the steamer LADDICK, belonging to the Aberdeen. Hull, and Newcastle Company, collided in Aberdeen Bay this morning. The LADDICK crashed into the port side of the JAMES HALL, which began sink. The crew were at once rescued, and the steamer drifted on to the land.
(Dundee Evening Telegraph)

THE STEAMER JAMES HALL. A TOTAL WRECK. The steamer James Hall, which ran ashore Aberdeen teach after having been in collision ten days ago, has been gradually breaking a result the heavy seas, the her side larger and larger every day. Far a week after the collision, hopes were entertained that she might refloated, and Councillor who was entrusted with the salvage operataoius, has waiting for a favourable day oil which to start. The however, continued boisterous, and on Thursday afternoon the vessel's back broke, and her bow and her stern parted. She has thus become a total wreck. and theire is now no possibility of her being floated. She embedded in the sand a depth of about eight or ten feet, and high water the hull the vessel is completely covered, only a portion of the remaining mast being visible. Numbers of people have daily visited the scene, and the has also proved a rendezvous of the unemployed. The cargo the vessel, which included a large quantity of straw, fifty casks of spirits, and a number empty boxes and barrels, has been practically all washed ashore, and the sands have been strewn with the wreckage. The car [tram] service to the beach not now so well patronised. Yesterday only one car was running on the route, and its complement passengers on each journey was small
(Aberdeen Daily Journal)

Notes: 2 British made (Hall Russel) vertical direct acting engines, cylinder diameter 23 and a half inches and 42", length of stroke 2'6", 65HP.
26/10/1888: Vessel registered De Novo in Aberdeen. Due to alterations to tonnage to make space for propelling power, now 348 tons.
January 1837
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August 1880
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10 November 1875
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