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Image Not Available for BALLOGIE
Image Not Available for BALLOGIE


Shipbuilder (Aberdeen, Scotland, 1864 - 1992)
Owner (Aberdeen, Scotland)
Dimensionslength 220 7/12' x breadth 29 7/12' x depth 17'
Gross Tonnage: 1004 ton
Object numberABDSHIP001857
About MeYard: Hall, Russell & Co.
Yard Number: 214
Official Number: 77457
Subsequent Names: KATE FORSTER (1884); RAGNI (1895); ROBUR (1927); ROBUR I (1928).

Fate: Broken up, 1930.

Propulsion: Steam
Description: Screw steamer, clench built, iron frame, 1 deck, 2 masts, schooner rigged, eliptical stern. No figurehead or galleries.

1879: Registered at Aberdeen for subscribing owners;
James & Alexander Davidson, shipowners, Aberdeen, 64 shares.
01/1884: to Fisher Renwick & Co. Newcastle.
10/1895: Sold to Dampsk. Selsk "Ragni" (E. Lund), Christiania, Norway and renamed RAGNI.
10/1917: taken over by the Shipping Controller, London and placed under British flag.
03/1919: Returned to Norwegian owner.
1926: Sold to E. Mortensen, Oslo.
1927: Sold to Reder-Och. Transport Akt. Robur, Stockholm.
1928: Sold to "Polskarob" Polsko Skandynawskie Towargzystwo Transportowc S A Gydnia, Poland.
Broken up in 1930.
(Source: Aberdeen Register of Shipping (Aberdeen City Archives))

1880-81: Master A. G. McKenzie
1881-83: Master C. Watson

General History:
Steamer BALLOGIE, of Aberdeen, while on voyage Rouen - Newcastle, ran down a fishing smack supposed to have belonged to Yarmouth. Feared all 9 hands aboard smack were lost.
(Daily Gazette (Middlesborough))

BALLOGIE, Capt. Mackenzie, of Aberdeen, just arrived in to Shields harbour from Carthagena, reports that while between Dudgeon and Outer Dowsing, she ran down a fishing smack, name unknown, one of crew being drowned. (Aberdeen Journal, 7/2/1880 - Smack got clear and proceeded).
(Northern Echo)

Copenhagen, 10 November, BALLOGIE, British steamer, Cronstadt - Rotterdam, was towed into Copenhagen after grounding. Lost screw [but] divers have found no apparent damage to her bottom. Now awaiting owner's instructions re fixing new screw.
(Aberdeen Journal)

BALLOGIE, Burntisland - Danzig with coals, is aground at Stoganas in a bad position. Contract has been made with Switzer for assistance.
(Aberdeen Weekly Journal)

BALLOGIE on voyage Algiers - London, calling at Gibraltar, laden with lead and esparto grass, went on fire on night of 13 February off Cape St. Vincent. Despite every exertion Capt. Watson and crew were unable to control the flames, which spread from the hold to masts and rigging. Boats were put out and crew left vessel until masts fell, when they returned to fight the fire. Two vessels tried and failed to take BALLOGIE in tow. Finally, ZAD C. British steamer (620 g.t., 1868) picked up crew and towed vessel to Cadiz stern first. Tow rope broke approaching Cadiz. The British Vice Consul's boatswain, throwing himself on a piece of chain hanging from the bows, made fast tow line from steam tug KITTY, which took the burning ship to Puntales, where she was put ashore. Capt. Watson did not leave his ship till the last moment after she had been beached. No agreement made for salvage. Vessel and part of cargo insured. Believed engines are in good condition as captain took precaution of filling engine room with water.
(Aberdeen Weekly Journal) [also Glasgow Herald, 16/02/1883]

In Shields harbour, screw steamer BALLOGIE, was hit by a screw steamer MINISH, Capt. Stuart, and was considerably damaged.
(North East Daily Gazette)

KATE FORSTER, steamer of Newcastle, collided in Thames at East Greenwich with barge MARY, striking her amidships. KATE FORSTER proceeded and MARY lies sunk at Point Wharf.
(Yorkshire Herald)

Glasgow - Barcelona direct - First class steamer KATE FORSTER will be on loading berth, 14 January.
(Glasgow Herald)

Gibraltar, 9 March, British steamer KATE FORSTER, which sailed Friday, put back Saturday with feed pipe broken.
(Glasgow Herald)

On Norwegian steamer RAGNI in the Tyne, Lars Larsen, carpenter acting as night watchman, stabbed Harold Holstadt, chief mate, over the heart, of which he expired in minutes. Chief engineer Gundersen was also stabbed, and stewardess jumped overboard but was rescued. Larsen was arrested and charged with murder of mate and attempted murder of engineer. According to evidence, he had been been spoken to about his conduct during the voyage and had used threatening language to the mate.
(Belfast Newsletter)

Engines: 1 pair compound inverted direct acting engines built by Hall Russell & Co, Aberdeen. Cylinder diameters 26 ½“ and 48”, length of stroke 30”, boiler pressure 75 lb., 98 h.p.
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