Silver and Turquoise Enamel Set Pendant Necklace
DesignerDesigned by
Jessie Marion King
(Bearsden, Scotland, 1875 - 1949)
RetailerSold by
(London, England, founded 1875)
Datec. 1902
Object NameNecklace
MediumSilver and enamel
Dimensions3 × 29cm (3cm at widest part; 29cm top to bottom including chain)
AcquisitionPurchased in 2007 with assistance from the National Fund for Acquisitions.
LocationOn Display - Gallery 14
Object numberABDAG011335
More About MeA beautiful silver and turquoise enamel set pendant. The delicate floral design looks to represent a butterfly or moth.
Megan Falconer
James Cromar Watt
James Cromar Watt