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NESSCO CPA 1035 Wireless PA Master Units
NESSCO CPA 1035 Wireless PA Master Units
NESSCO CPA 1035 Wireless PA Master Units

NESSCO CPA 1035 Wireless PA Master Units

Object NamePublic Address Unit
Mediummetal, plastic, paint
ClassificationsNorth Sea Oil and Gas Industries
AcquisitionPresented in 2021.
LocationOn Display - Aberdeen Maritime Museum
Object numberABDMS095604
About MeOn 6th July 1988 Piper Alpha suffered a catastrophic leak of hydrocarbons resulting in the total destruction of the platform, the death of 167 workers, and ultimately the root and branch reform of the offshore safety regime.
Piper Alpha had been equipped with an internal communication system, but this was hard wired, once the control room was out of action there was no means of getting information to the crew to tackle the fires nor any means of coordinating the abandonment of the installation.

NESSCO were tasked soon after the Piper Alpha Disaster to come up with a system that was suitable for offshore installation use and which overcame the drawbacks of a hard wired system.

These units were a pre-production development model, and was modified from the original concept to ensure its suitability and to meet the criteria for the use in offshore installations.

NESSCO was until 2012 a British company and had by then become a leader in offshore communications, developing bespoke equipment for individual situations. It had its HQ in Aberdeen, before latterly moving to Arnhall Business Park.

Emergency Alarm Button (Group L)
BRENT DELTA Oil Platform
Ultrasonic Transducer
late 20th-early 21st Century