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Queen Mary's Needlework Guild Badge
Queen Mary's Needlework Guild Badge
Queen Mary's Needlework Guild Badge
Queen Mary's Needlework Guild Badge

Queen Mary's Needlework Guild Badge

Object NameBadge
Mediumenamelled metal and ribbon
ClassificationsMedicine and Healthcare
DimensionsOverall: Height: 6.985 cm, Width: 2.2225 cm
AcquisitionKenneth A Webster Nursing Collection.
LocationView by Appointment
Object numberABDMS032260
About MeEnamelled flower suspended from a bar and purple ribbon. The flower has white outer petals and inner red petals. Above this the initials "M R" are entwined and surmounted by a crown. The bar is inscribed "Q.M.N.G". The bar above the badge is inscribed "SURGICAL BRANCH".

Queen Mary's Needlework Guild originally began as a guild providing clothing for the poor at hospitals and parish institutions. It was renamed Queen Mary's Needlework Guild in 1914 and the First World War was arguably its finist hour, with thousands of items of clothing sent out to troops.
Queen Mary's Needlework Guild Badge
Queen Mary's Needlework Guild
Queen Mary's Needlework Guild Badge
Queen Mary's Needlework Guild
Nurse's Mental Training Badge
Medico Psychological Association
Local Government Board for Scotland Nurse's Badge
Local Government Board for Scotland
Mary Lawrence Taylor Medal
Edith May Adam
Aberdeen City Hospital Nurse's Badge
Agnes Robertson Scott
Central Midwives' Board for Scotland Badge
Central Midwives Board for Scotland
British First World War Medal
Garrard and Company
1914 - 1922
Queen Alexandra's Imperial Military Nursing Service Cape Medallion
Queen Alexandra's Imperial Military Nursing Service
1902 - 1949
Territorial Army Nursing Service Cape Medallion
Territorial Army Nursing Service
1920 - 1958
Territorial Army Nursing Service Cape Medallion
Territorial Army Nursing Service
1920 - 1958
Queen Alexandra's Imperial Military Nursing Service Cape Medallion
Queen Alexandra's Imperial Military Nursing Service
1902 - 1949 Period