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Latch Lifter
E25 Latch Lifter
Latch Lifter
Latch Lifter

E25 Latch Lifter

Date17th - 18th Century
Object NameLatch Lifter
ClassificationsArchaeology Excavated
LocationView by Appointment
Object numberABDMS034163
About MeThis latch-lifter was found on an excavation at 45-75 Gallowgate, Aberdeen.
E29 Copper Alloy Finger Ring
18th - 19th Century
Type 4 Horse-Shoe
17th - 18th Century
Copper Alloy Needle
17th - 18th Century
E34 Slag, metal and building material
late 12th-early 20th Century
Glass vessel fragment
13th - 14th Century
Hawthorn (914) & Hibiscus (915) - General Arrangement
Hall, Russell & Company, Limited
6 August 1964
Hawthorn (914) & Hibiscus (915) - General Arrangement
Hall, Russell & Company, Limited
19 October 1965
E25 Length Of Wood
14th - 15th Century