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Shipbuilder (Footdee, Aberdeen)
Date5 October 1865
Object NameBARQUE
MediumWOOD; Oak, Teak
Dimensionslength 132.6' x breadth 25.2' x depth 15.1'
gross tonnage 296 tons
Object numberABDSHIP001131
About MeYard: Alexander Hall & Co.
Yard Number: 243

Fate: Wrecked at Savaiʻi Island, Samoa, 9 January 1867.

Propulsion: Sail
Description: Barque rigged, clipper bow, 3 masts, poop deck 40ft, figurehead of a cleric.

1865-67: London Missionary Society, registered at London

1866-67: Master Williams

Voyages (Lloyd's):
1866-67: Aberdeen - Australia.

General History:
LAUNCH OF THE “JOHN WILLIAMS.” The new Missionary Ship “JOHN WILLIAMS,” built Messrs Hall, was launched on Thursday, with great eclat, the turn-out to witness the interesting ceremony being, indeed, something quite extraordinary, and giving the town, for several hours, quite a gala-day look. A good many hundreds of Sabbath School children had arrived from the country by the early trains. The main places of rendezvous were Gordon’s Hospital grounds and Castle Street, and, by twelve o’clock, a juvenile procession, considerably more than mile in length, headed by the boys’ band of Gordon’s Hospital, was on the move down Marischal Street, over the Draw-bridge, and on to the ground marked off near the bottom of the Inches, opposite the Building-yards. The children marched four a-breast, under the guidance of their teachers, and with innumerable gay bannerets waving in the sunshine. Their total numbers would not be easy to estimate accurately—they must have amounted to about six thousand; and, when they had taken up their places, the police lending useful service in keeping the ground, they and the adults behind presented a dense mass of eager and interested faces from the Dock Gates down nearly to Point Law. There was also a large assemblage of ladies and gentlemen in the building-yard, great numbers taking up their position on the vantage ground afforded the large new iron ship in progress of building by Messrs Hall. The ships in the harbour, from the top of the quays all the way down, were, with few exceptions, fully dressed in colours in honour of the occasion, and, altogether, as the hour of launch drew on, the scene was a very stirring one. The “JOHN WILLIAMS” is beautifully-modelled clipper barque of 370 tons B. M , and 300 tons register. Her length is 130 feet, breadth of beam 25 feet, and depth of hold 15 feet. She is most substantially built, and very comfortably fitted up. Her figure head is a bust of “ the Martyr of Erromanga,” modelled after his likeness when in his prime. Along with the figure-head is the legend, in gilt letters, Peace on earth and good-will to men.” The launch was witnessed by the Chairman of the London Missionary Society—Mr White, and the Directors mentioned below. While the preparations for the event were going on, the immense mass of children on the south bank of the Navigation Channel sung appropriate missionary hymns, and the sound of their voices floated pleasantly across the water. At one o’clock the signal was given, the last support was struck out, and the young lady—Miss Annette Kemp Welch—who had the honour of christening the vessel, swung the bottle from her, with the words, “ The ‘JOHN WILLIAMS,’ —may she have a prosperous voyage by the will of God.” The vessel went down the ways beautifully, and in few minutes thereafter floated gracefully in the water —masted and rigged—the JOHN WILLIAMS” of the future. Three rounds of hearty cheering followed, and the ceremony of launching was ended.
(Aberdeen Journal)

Continuous crowd of visitors boarded vessel on her arrival from London. Claimed building cost of £8000, although builders list shows contract price £7500. Aberdeen bow and elliptical stern. Frame and stanchions of Scotch oak. Planking teak. Iron beams and stringers and some strengthening iron plates. A very handsome model, painted green with gilt moulding, figurehead bust of John Williams in clerical robes as he appeared in prime of life. On each side of stem are carved open Bibles and on stern a dove with motto "Go ye unto all nations". Foremast , mainmast and bowsprit of iron, 2 former acting as ventilators. Mizzenmast and other spars of wood. Standing rigging of wire. Topsails can be reefed and fueled from deck. Crew of 18 under command of Capt. Williams, through British seaman with breeding of a gentleman and necessary experience in forwarding missionary enterprise. Has 2 boats, but third was carried away in gale in English Channel. The saloon is 8ft high, elegantly panelled with maple and teak with gilt mouldings. Furnished with a harmonium and an elegant case of choice books. On each side of saloon are 3 staterooms, officers quarters, including elegantly fitted up Captain's cabin, are below saloon. Forward of a mainmast are 4 berths on each side for itinerant teachers. Forecastle accommodation for seamen strikingly different from ordinary merchant vessels. (this is an abbreviation of a longer article)
(Geelong Advertiser)

London Missionary Society's ship JOHN WILLIAMS arrived Hobson's Bay 19 May and was object of great interest (about 5000 visited on Queen's birthday holiday). She has been built expressly for conveying missionaries to the various stations in South Sea islands. Poop extends as far as the mainmast and after cabin is a beautiful apartment beneath it, with state rooms on each side, amply furnished with all comforts and conveniences which the missionaries may require either in course of their long voyage from Europe or in shorter voyages they sometimes make with native teachers from island to island. Five missionaries aboard on this occasion. After brief visit to Geeleong [Victoria] she proceeded to Hobart Town [Tasmania] and Sydney previous to her departure for the Polynesian Islands.
(Australian News for Home Readers)

When the JOHN WILLIAMS was beating up to the harbour at Aneityum (New Hebrides) she ran upon a reef and speedily began to let in water. The natives on the island, especially those belonging to the Christian church there, at once came off to render what aid they could - several came aboard to work the pumps, deeming it a pleasure to render any aid to the gospel ship. The schooner DAYSPRING was also able to render assistance and in due course the JOHN WILLIAMS was able to get off the reef. The DAYSPRING accompanied her to Sydney, where she is now on the slip and will soon be as sound as ever and able to continue her glorious work.
(Daily News)

Barque JOHN WILLIAMS sailed from Sydney 16 Nov. 1866 for South Sea Islands. 22 Nov. arrived Amietenam?, took in part of cargo and missionaries, sailed 29 Nov. for Loyalty Islands. Anchored at Vea 1st Dec. 4 Dec. sailed towards Lifa, 6 Dec. anchored Wide Bay. Unloaded Missionary's goods on various islands. 13 Dec. sailed towards Savage Island in fine weather at first, but from 19 Dec. very unsetttled weather. 3 Jan. 1867 made Savage Island. Lay off reef, landed and loaded missionaries and goods. On evening of 9 Jan. ship was getting near the reef and we sent up rockets. One man, using a deep sea lead could find no bottom. 10.30 called the gig alongside and had ladies and children put in her. Shortly after called the other two boats alongside (which had been trying to tow ship off) and got crew into them. She was almost in the breakers when we left the ship. Soon after she struck reef with tremendous crash. We were 72 souls in the 3 boats. We pulled boats towards landing place and reached it about 3 in the morning. Capt. Williams and part of crew have now arrived Sydney from Tahiti (including R. Turpy Chief Officer, G. Geddes 2nd Officer, J. Bobem Carpenter, A. Bell Cook and two apprentices).
(South Australian Advertiser)

On 9th January, Capt. Williams reports, the JOHN WILLIAMS was off Savage Island (Samoa) 4 or 5 miles from the shore and the wind was getting light and then fell off altogether. As the ship was getting near the reef the boats were sent ahead to tow. At 10.30 at night the ladies and children and then the other passengers and crew were got into the boats. She was almost in the breakers when the boats quitted her and struck at 11 o'clock with a tremendous crash. The boats with 72 souls got to the shore and their passengers were taken through the surf, 2 or 3 at a time, in a canoe by the natives. The next morning the ship was seen lying on the reef with her back broken and the sea breaking right over her.
(Daily News)

History of the London Missionary Society: Famous among those early missionaries was John Williams; when marooned on the island of Rarotonga he built in 15 weeks a 60 feet long and 18 feet wide vessel, The Messenger of Peace, with local materials and native help. A whole line of missionary ships was later named after John Williams and supported by children who collected "ship half-pennies" (half-pennies which had a sailing ship on one side). [CWM website]
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10 August 1860
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19 October 1869
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