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Image Not Available for KOSCIUSKO
Image Not Available for KOSCIUSKO


Shipbuilder (Shipbuilder, Footdee, Aberdeen 1839 - 1881)
DateAugust 1862
Object NameCLIPPER
Dimensionslength 204' x breadth 36' 2 x depth 22' 7"
Gross Tonnage: 1193 ton
Object numberABDSHIP000356
About MeYard: Walter Hood & Co.

Fate: Bought by Cowlislaw Brothers of Sydney and broken up at Canton 1899.

Propulsion: Sail
Description: Ship rigged clipper, 2 deck a poop and top gallant forecastle, 3 masts, ship rigged. Sheathed in felt and yellow metal fastened with copper bolts.

1862: Registered at Aberdeen for subscribing owners;
George Thompson Jnr, William Henderson, shipowners, Aberdeen, Stephen and George Thompson youngest, shipowners, London, 48 shares. Charles Stuart, shipmaster, 12 shares; Walter Hood, 4 shares.
(Aberdeen Register of Shipping (Aberdeen City Archives))

1862-67: Master C. Stuart
1868-69: Master Lawson
1870: Master J. Ross
1871-75: Master Lawson

1862: London - Australia.

25th Feb. -
KOSCIUSKO, ship, Stewart Master, 84 days from the Downs.
(Sydney Morning Herald)

KOSCIUSKO, ship, from London for Melbourne, 7 September, 6N, 23W [Midatlantic between Brazil and West Africa].
(Aberdeen Journal)

KOSCIUSKO ship, Lawson, arrived 5th June from the Lizard 79 days.
(Sydney Morning Herald)

Aberdeen clipper ship KOSCIUSKO was telegraphed as being off the Heads, having made a fair passage from Gravesend of 81 days. (Left 10/4/67).
(Bendigo Advertiser (Victoria))

Aberdeen clipper ship KOSCIUSKO cleared customs Port Philip Heads (Victoria) for London with large cargo of wool, viz. 4828 bales wool, 4300 bags copper ore, 20 balesleather, 11,567 ounces gold. She is 2nd ship cleared this season for february wool sales & ship being in fine trim captain anticipates a quick passage home.
(Ballarat Star)

Ship KOSCIUSKO, of the Aberdeen Line, Capt. Larsen, has arrived in Thames - 1st ship of season with Australian wool.
(Aberdeen Journal)

Water Police Court - John Baker, seaman of ship KOSCIUSKO, convicted of disorderly conduct on board his vessel - fined 5 shillings or 2 days imprisonment.
(Sydney Morning Herald)

Clipper ship KOSCIUSCO, for London, was towed to sea 9th June by steam tug GOOLWA.
(Sydney Morning Herald)

Cornor's Inquest - George Innes, 2nd officer of ship KOSCIUSKO, now lying in Syndey Harbour, deponed Frederick Maisey, butcher on board, was 40 years & native of London, ever since ship has bee in harbour has been drinking to excess. Niels Petersen, Publican, Oriental Hotel, deponed Maisey arrived between 11 & 12 o'clock in state of drink, joined some men singing, had no more than 2 glasses rum, was later found dead sitting on sofa. Post mortem indicated disease of heart and liver accelerated by intemperance.
(Sydney Empire)

Kosciusko, ship, 1192 tons, Smith master, arrived 22nd May, from the Lizard 109 days.
(Sydney Morning Herald)

KOSCIUSKO, ship, 1192 tons, Captain Smith, cleared 11 July for London. Passengers Mr & Mrs Braithwaite and Mackenzie, Rev. G. Robertson, Mr R. Valentine.
(Sydney Morning Herald)

Benjamin Langley, seaman on ship KOSCIUSKO, went on board in state of drunkenness and besides refusing to obey orders, struck the mate; William Bothwell. For assault sent to gaol for 4 weeks and additional 2 days for wilful disobedience.
(Sydney Morning Herald)

Projected departure 29th January. - KOSCIUSKO, barque, for Rotterdam.
(Sydney Morning Herald)

31 October, KOSCIUSKO, barque, left Sydney for Barcelona.
(Sydney Morning Herald)

Seaman named Olaf Johnson, 33, met with fearful accident on board ship KOSCIUSkO. Vessel is lying near Garden island and while Johnson was attending to some work aloft on mainmast he fell distance of about 50 feet. He struck some portions of rigging and spars and fell into the water. With great promptitude a boat was lowered just as he was on point of drowning, but he died in Sydney Hospital the following day.
(Sydney Evening News)

11/09/1893, Page 4:
The Sydney-owned barque KOSCIUSKO arrived yesterday from Gothenburg. She reports a sad accident during the voyage. One of the apprentices, Albert Bear, a son of Mr. Superintendent Bear, of the Metropolitan Fire Brigade, when in the act of loosening the main topgallant sail fell into the sea and was drowned. He was never seen after passing the ship's quarter either from the deck or aloft, but sunk at once. The ship at the time was running before a fresh gale and a heavy sea. The main topsail halyards were let go and the foresail let fly at once and the ship rounded to at some risk, but no one caught sight of him ; indeed, had he been seen, it is doubtful if a boat could have lived to reach him. He must have fallen 140ft. The accident caused quite a gloom amongst the crew, the young follow being liked by everyone on board for his manly qualities. " There was not a soul of us," said one of the ship's company, yesterday, "who wouldn't have jumped overboard to pick him up, blow or no blow, had we caught sight of the lad." He was a bright, good lad, and the makings of a real sailor." The report of his loss on the vessel's arrival here caused extreme regret, and came as an awful shock to his relatives. The barque sailed from Gothenburg on the 11th May, and took departure from the Lizard on the 27th. Had strong head winds across the North Sea and down Channel. Got the N.E. trades in lat. 30' W. From Lat. 9' to 4' and 19' W. had strong S.W. monsoon, and crossed the equator in 20' W. Thence to 15' S. had strong southerly winds, having to tack ship several times to keep off the Brazilian coast. and the remainder of the voyage to Cape Otway experienced fresh to very hard gales. Used oil bags when running in the heaviest of the gales with good results. Saw ice three different times between 38' and 41 S. and 20' and 72' E. Also passed a derelict, with part of a mast standing, in lat. 28' N. and 24' W. Spoke the barque COLUMBIA, bound to Valparaiso, in 4' N. The KOSCIUSKO is to Mr. Alexander Burns.
(Sydney Morning Herald)

BEAR. – August 3, Albert Charles Bear, the beloved son of William Douglas Bear, Superintendent M.F.B., Sydney, late of M.F.B., London, and Annie Elizabeth Bear, lost at sea from barque KOSCIUSCO, aged 17½ years.
(Sydney Morning Herald)

Colliery dispute - Barque KOSCIUSKO and ship LORD SHAFTESBURY, which were to have taken over 6,500 tons of coal away from Newcastle [NSW] have been ordered to West coast of America in ballast.
(Dundas Herald, Tasmania)

Notes: From 3 December 1878, round stern, carvel built, male figurehead, re-rigged as barque c.1880.
This vessel is also reported in newspaper accounts with the spelling KOSCIUSCO
Source: Aberdeen Register of Shipping (Aberdeen City Archives) and Lloyd's Register of Shipping
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