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Image Not Available for JAMES BOOTH
Image Not Available for JAMES BOOTH


Shipbuilder (Footdee, Aberdeen)
Date18 February 1851
Object NameCLIPPER
Dimensionslength 145' x breadth 26.6' x depth19.7'
gross tonnage 596 tons
Object numberABDSHIP000514
About MeYard: Alexander Duthie & Co.

Fate: sank in the Bay of Biscay, 27 September 1871.

Propulsion: Sail
Description: Ship rigged clipper, 1 and a half poop decks, 3 masts, square stern, carvel built, male figurehead
(Source: Aberdeen Register of Shipping (Aberdeen City Archives))

1851-59: Booth & Co., Liverpool
1861-65: Baines & Co. (no owner given in Lloyd's from 1865 on, perhaps the master now owned his ship)

1851-58: Master J. Booth
1859: Master McQueen
1861: Master Arnold
1862: Master Lowe
1863-71: Master J. Allen

Voyages (from Lloyd's Register):
1851-52: Aberdeen - Calcutta
1853-57: London
1858: Liverpool
1859: London - India
1861-62: Liverpool - Australia
1863-71: Liverpool - India

General History:
Yesterday, there was launched from the building-yard of Messrs A. Duthie & Co., a fine ship of 600 tons, named the JAMES BOOTH —forming another splendid addition to the tonnage of the port. It is almost needless to say that her model, material, and workmanship are of the most approved and substantial order- -the ability and experience of the builders are a warrant for this, and they are not likely to fall behind the requirements of the age. She glided into her future element in gallant style, amid the cheers of a vast crowd of spectators.
(Aberdeen Journal)

27/04 Thomas Miller, deserter from ship JAMES BOOTH ordered back aboard by City Court [subsequently escaped from custody and missed sailing of ship].
(Melbourne Argus) [also 18/05/1858]

Hobson's Bay - arrived May 27 JAMES BOOTH, Black Ball ship, 539 tons, W. J. Lowe from London 19 Feb.
(Melbourne Argus)
"The Black Ball Line, the most celebrated line of passenger ships, perhaps in its day" owned by James Baines of Liverpool (Basil Lubbock (1948 edn), "The Colonial Clippers" (James Brown & Son, Glasgow), p. 18).

James Campbell and Robert Londen, two men belonging to the ship JAMES BOOTH, were charged with desertion. They formed part of the clique who were charged with mutiny a few days ago. Case was proved - sent to gaol for 30 days.
(Melbourne Argus)

For sale the substantial ship JAMES BOOTH, built Aberdeen 1851, then classed A1 9 years and continued for 3 years in 1860, copper fastened and was thoroughly caulked and newly sheathed with yellow metal 1864. Sails remarkably fast. Has always been well kept up and is now in very good order. Carries a large cargo. Lying in the Coburg Dock.
(Liverpool Mercury)

London to New Zealand for the Otago gold fields - the celebrated clipper ship JAMES BOOTH will have immediate despatch. Rates of passage - 1st cabin 45 guineas; 2nd cabin £25; intermediate £20; steering £16 and £18.
(Preston Guardian)

THE SHIP JAMES BOOTH, OF NEWCASTLE. NARRATIVE THE SOLE SURVIVOR. James Marker, the sole survivor of the crew of the ship JAMES BOOTH, of Newcastle, which foundered in the Bay of Biscay on the night of Wednesday, the 27th ult., arrived in South Shields yesterday from Brixham, where he had been landed by the schooner ROYAL TAR and his narrative gives the full particulars of the loss of his vessel and sixteen of her crew. Marker states that the JAMES BOOTH left the Tyne on Saturday, the 16th of September, for Genoa. She was coal laden, and had a crew seventeen all told. Marker positively asserts that the ship was leaking when she left the Tyne. On Monday, the 16th, they encountered a violent storm in the Bay of Biscay; there was a strong gale from the SW, and the sea rose a great height. A large leak being discovered, nearly all the hands were ordered to the pumps. The gale increased to a perfect hurricane before dusk on Monday, and between then and the following morning the foresail, mainsail, jibs, fore topmast staysail, the main-topmast staysail, and the mizen were blown away. On Tuesday morning they bent storm sail aft, but they had no sooner hoisted it than it was split in two and then torn to shreds. The crew continued to work at the pumps all day, and, to add to the horror of their situation, three the boats were washed overboard, only the longboat being left. On the morning of Wednesday (the 27th) they got a hawser over the port bow with the view keeping the ship head to the wind. About seven o'clock at night the captain ordered Marker (who was the carpenter) to cut the hawser in order that they might bring the ship's head round and keep her before the wind. He obeyed the orders instantly, and as soon he cut the rope he ran forward to the mate—all the rest were aft—and asked him if he had cut the tackle of the longboat. " No," answered, " but I sent a man to it." Marker saw that no time was to be lost: axe in hand he sprang upon the deck house, and in instant severed the middle lashings. At the seme moment large wave struck the house, and carried it—Marker along with it—into the sea. Clinging to small piece of wood—part of the house—Marker rose to the surface some distance from the ship; and appeared above the water saw the vessel down stem foremost. A few minutes elapsed, and he heard short distance from him the cries of two or three of his drowning companions, but did not see them and, of course, his own situation being extremely perilous, could not give them aid. The piece of wood with which came to the surface was too small to give him much support; he, however, clung to it with one hand until with the other he had divested himself of his sea boots and oilskins, and then swam to a plank which was able to sustain his weight. From about half-past seven o'clock Wednesday night until the same time the next morning he remained in the water. He was seen from the schooner ROYAL TAR, bound Brixham for orders, and was rescued.
(Shields Daily Gazette)

Walter Hood & Co.
2 January 1858
April 1867
Walter Hood & Co.
Alexander HALL & Co.
January 1861
Walter Hood & Co.
Alexander HALL & Co.
sepia toned photograph of clipper 'rifleman'
February 1860
Phoenician" Aberdeen White Star Line Clipper
Walter Hood & Co.
Aberdeen White Star Line (George Thompson & Co)
Alexander HALL & Co.
Black and white photograph of the Alex. Hall Built 'Schomberg', mounted on card
Alexander HALL & Co.
5 April 1855
Alexander HALL & Co.
Walter Hood & Co.
Alexander HALL & Co.