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Shipbuilder (Footdee, Aberdeen)
DateApril 1867
Object NameCLIPPER
Dimensionslength 211' x breadth 35'2" x depth 22'
tonnage 1159 tons
Object numberABDSHIP000545
About MeYard: William Duthie jr., Inches, Aberdeen.
Official Number: 56600
Subsequent Names: GUNHILDE (1888)

Fate: Abandoned and sank in the North Sea, 26 December 1899.

Propulsion: Sail
Description: Ship rigged clipper, 3 masts, poop deck 66', forecastle 40'.

1867-84: W. Duthie & Co., registered at Aberdeen.
1885-87: J. Rust & son, registered at Aberdeen.
1888-99: Chr[istian] Anker, registered at Frederikshald, Norway.

1867-70: Master Douglas
1871-78: Master T. Norrie
1879-81: Master A. Murray
1882-84: Master J. Donald
1885: Master J. Stewart
1885-87: Master Craigen
1888-94: Master M. Pettersen
1895-99: Master O. Bjornstad

1867-69: Aberdeen - Australia
1870-73: London - Australia

General History:
David Peragrin and William Hall, seamen on ship "ALEXANDER DUTHIE", were convicted of having during voyage from London to Sydney, embezzled 2 cases of Brandy, part of the cargo. They had been in irons 51 days. No wages due to them and sentenced to 6 weeks imprisonment.
(Sydney Morning Herald)

Arrived at Sydney on 30th August after a splendid run of 75 days, left Gravesend on 12 June 1867, passed Plymouth on 15th, crossed equator on 9 July 1867.
(Aberdeen Journal)

Saturday 16th November 1867:
The wool season has now fairly set in, and with it the activity which characterises the London liners at this period of the year. The BRUCKLAY CASTLE took the first shipment of the New. Clip, and was followed by the STRATHDON.
The splendid new clipper ALEXANDER DUTHIE, which recently made the passage from the London Docks to Sydney in 78 days, took over 3000 bales, and made the largest freight ever earned in one voyage by a ship from this port.
Prior to sailing, Captain Douglas celebrated the maiden trip of his fine vessel by a ball. The spacious quarter-deck was for the nonce converted into a salle de danse, with walls of many hued-bunting and canopy of canvas. Chinese lanterns of every conceivable design furnished light, and festoons of evergreens and garlands of flowers hung round the walls, lent additional beauty to the scene. In the poop the tables groaned beneath choice refections, sparkling wines, and other descriptions of creature comforts, while the side cabins formed the neatest of dressing and card rooms.
Dancing commenced about 8 o'clock, and both Captain Douglas and Mr. Murfit, the chief officer, exerted themselves indefatigably to make their 150 guests at home. The band must have felt it a relief when supper was announced. The latter was by no means the least satisfactory of the arrangements, and ere it concluded the health of Captain Douglas and a successful future to the good ship ALEXANDER DUTHIE, was drunk with all the honours. Captain Douglas, in responding, thanked the ladies and gentlemen present for the very flattering manner in which the toast had been proposed and responded to, and expressed his satisfaction that on this, his first voyage to Sydney, he should have met with greater kindness than in any port he had ever visited, and he was sure that it would be satisfactory to all present to know that his voyage promised to be one of the most remunerative ever made by any vessel that ever left the port. He hoped that the friendships formed here would be pleasurably renewed on many future occasions; and should he have the honour of conveying any of the residents of Sydney to the mother country, he hoped to earn from them as warm expressions of satisfaction and esteem as his passengers on the outward voyage had been kind enough to place on record.
In conclusion he asked the company to join in a bumper to the health of a sailor who had that day arrived in the colonies, and who, though a Prince, was one who was every inch a British seaman, and by his proficiency in his profession had fairly earned his rank. The health of his Royal Highness Prince Alfred was then enthusiastically drunk. Dancing was then resumed, and unflaggingly sustained until Old Sol, peeping through the east, told the revelers it was time to go. The WALTER HOOD sailed a few days after the ALEXANDER DUTHIE, and the STRATHNAVER is now ready for sea, leaving the AGNES ROSE, SWIFTSURE, GENERAL LEE, and CALDBECK partly loaded.
(Illustrated Sydney News)

[Advertisement] To Captain A. Douglas - we passengers on your good ship, acknowledge unvarying kindness and consideration shown for our comfort and happiness. You have had much to harass and annoy you, constantly interrupted by contrary winds and calms, prolonging voyage which could have been performed in little over half the time. [off San Francisco 10/11/1868].
(Sydney Morning Herald)

Admiralty have ordered a ship to be sent to Auckland Islands to search for any seamen from "MAKOTA", which sailed from New Zealand 13 May and has not since been heard of. Several fires were sighted on the cliffs of these islands by Master of ship "ALEXANDER DUTHIE" [from Melbourne], which was unable to approach to rescue the castaways who might be found.
(Northern Echo (also Belfast Newsletter 22/04/1870))

"ALEXANDER DUTHIE" of Lizard [Cornwall], 10 February, London for Sydney, landed pilot.
(Aberdeen Journal)

The favourite ship "ALEXANDER DUTHIE", having completed taking in her freight for London, will leave Monday next. Her spacious passenger accommodation has been fully taken up and, being in excellent trim and an acknowledged fast vessel, should make a good passage home.
(Sydney Morning Herald)

Official report of "ALEXANDER DUTHIE", which arrived Liverpool last week:- "Left Manilla 4 Sept. 1883, were 8 days getting clear of the place, 6 days at anchor inside the Corregedor, blowing a heavy gale from SW. Light head winds and calms down to Anjor [Java]. Passed 4 Nov. Passed through straits of Sunda. Very light SE trades or monsoon across Indian Ocean and NW winds off Cape of Good Hope (rounded 3 Jan.). Light winds to equator, crossed 28th Jan. in Long 23.30W [between Brazil and W. Africa] with very bad NE trades and from thence to Liverpool moderate winds and unsettled weather. Passage 188 days.
(Aberdeen Weekly Journal)

For considerable time past great anxiety at Sydney and at home for well-known Aberdeen clipper ship "ALEXANDER DUTHIE" [Melbourne Argus 29/04/1884 reported she had been posted missing at Lloyd's]. She left Sydney early 1883 for Manilla with cargo of coal. Just heard ship has safely arrived Liverpool and that her long voyage was due to calms. The many friends of Capt. Donald and his officers in this port will be pleased to hear of their safety.
(Sydney Morning Herald)

In District Court Francis W. Tardiff sued Alexander W. Cregeen, Master of "ALEXANDER DUTHIE", for £37 wages alleged due as cook and steward. He was engaged at Puget Sound, Canada, for voyage to Melbourne at rate of 9 dollars per week, but 40 days out he was taken out of the galley and set to work before the mast. At Melbourne Captain only designed to pay him £9, which he refused. Defence was that plaintiff was utterly incompetent as a cook and exceedingly filthy in his habits, so that neither Captain nor men could eat the food he provided. Bench made order for £26.10.4.
(Melbourne Argus)

Leith, Jan. 4. The Swedish schooner CLARA, Janssen, for Malmo, arrived in Leith Roads to-day and landed the crew of the Norwegian barque GUNHILDE, which was abandoned in a sinking condition in the North Sea on Dec. 26. The barque left Grimsby for Fredrikshald, with coals, on Dec. 16, and experienced terrific weather, during which she sprung a leak and had the masts carried away. Two of the crew were injured by the falling spars. The CLARA hove in sight and lay by the sinking vessel. On the 25th eight of the barque's crew went on board the CLARA. The remaining eight stayed on board in the hope that the weather would moderate. Next day, however, they abandoned the vessel and went on board the CLARA. The men lost all their clothing and effects.
(Lloyd's List)

converted to barque rig c. 1884
Aberdeen White Star Line (George Thompson & Co)
August 1862
The Ship John Duthie by Arthur Smith
sepia toned photograph of clipper 'rifleman'
February 1860
sepia toned photograph of clipper ship 'anne duthie'
July 1868
March 1874
April 1869
Alexander HALL & Co.
November 1866
Walter Hood & Co.
Aberdeen White Star Line (George Thompson & Co)
August 1879
Walter Hood & Co.
"Thermopylae" - Clipper Ship
Aberdeen White Star Line (George Thompson & Co)
Aberdeen Clipper Ship "Christiana Thompson" 1079 Ton
Walter Hood & Co.
August 1866
Walter Hood & Co.
17 February 1866
Walter Hood & Co.
September 1869