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Ian Robertson
Ian Robertson
Ian Robertson

Ian Robertson

Aberdeen, Scotland, born 1957
About MeRobertson’s interest in the art of the numerous cultures he has encountered whilst travelling has been a significant influence to his own artwork. Over time he has developed a personal visual language based on these cultural experiences, creating work which contains a rhythmic abstract patterning but often has a subtle narrative. The artist is predominantly a painter, but maintains a strong practice in screen-printing
Artist biography by Grampian Hospitals Art Trust, 2023.

Born: 27/03/1957 - Aberdeen
1975-1980 R.G.I.T. Gray’s School of Art, Aberdeen.
1980-1981 Aberdeen College of Education.

1979 Diploma in Art (Drawing & Painting)
1980 Post-Grad Diploma (High Commend)
1981 Post-Grad Certificate of Secondary Education (Art)
2005 Foundation Certificate in Art Therapy - Queen Margaret University Edinburgh

1978 Hospitalfield Scholarship.
1979 RSA Carnegie Award
1979 RGIT Robert Brough Scholarship
1982 Scottish Arts Council Purchase Award
1983 RSA Guthrie Award
1987 Aberdeen Artists Society Bursary
1987 Scottish Arts Council Purchase Award
1990 Society of Scottish Artists ‘JFM’ Purchase Prize
2001 RSA Scottish Arts Club Prize
2003 Aberdeen Artists Society/GHAT Purchase Prize

Collections of: Art in Health Care

Grampian Hospitals Art Trust

Allied Breweries

Gray’s School of Art – Permanent Collection

NHS Lothian (Edinburgh & Lothian Health Foundation)

Highland Regional Council

Mobil North Sea

Churchill Livingstone Publishers

University of Edinburgh Post Grad School of Medicine (Pfizer Foundation)

Various Private Collections in UK.
Wikipedia Biography
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