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James Street (Stewart Buchanan)

James Street (Stewart Buchanan)

DescriptionAn evaluation by Aberdeen City Council Archaeological Unit in July to August 2007 recorded foundations of the 19th and 20th century warehouses that used to occupy the site and an earlier wooden structure with piles sunk into the estuarine sand near the north east corner of the site. Excavation of the feature in August 2007 revealed this to be a probably board walk or platform over a particularly wet area of reclaimed land, or possibly a quay. It is of post medieval date, probably dating between the middle of the 17th and 18th centuries.
Location InfoNational Grid Reference: NJ 9462 0626
Easting: 394623.500096596, Northing: 806261.487179042
Postcode: AB11 5AP

NotesBuchanan, S. (2007b) '18-32 James Street, Aberdeen (Aberdeen parish), evaluation, excavation', Discovery Excav Scot, vol. 8, 2007. Cathedral Communications Limited, Wiltshire, England. Page(s): 9Reference Numbers
  • 295253
  • NJ90NW1166
  • NJ90NW2635