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Shipbuildervessel built by
Alexander HALL & Co.
(Footdee, Aberdeen)
OwnerOwned by
Jardine, Matheson & Co.
(Shipowners, Opium Traders and Merchants, Hong Kong)
Object NameCLIPPER
Dimensionslength 157'8" x breadth 28'8" x depth 17'8"
Gross Tonnage: 527 ton (Registered Tonnage: 595 ton)
Gross Tonnage: 527 ton (Registered Tonnage: 595 ton)
Object numberABDSHIP001063
Yard Number: 175
Official Number: 10520
Fate: wrecked on Kentish Knock, Thames Estuary, 7 June 1873.
Propulsion: Sail
Description: Ship rigged clipper, 3 masts
1850-61: Robertson, registered at London (on behalf of Jardine, Matheson & Co. of London.?)
1862-67: Mackay & Co., registered at London
1867-71: Welch & Co., registered at Newcastle
1871-73: R. Chapman, registered at Newcastle
1850-53: Master John Robertson
1853-61: Master H. L. Hart
1862-64: Master Watson
1865-67: Master Tomlins
1867-71: Master J. Waugh
1871-73: Master G. Greener
Voyages (Lloyd's)
1851-53: Aberdeen - China
1854-57: ports of survey Liverpool or London, no destination given.
1858: Liverpool - China
1859-61: London
1862-63: London - Australia
1865: Liverpool - China
1866-71: London - New Zealand
1871-73: London - Mediterranean
General History:
STORNOWAY regularly sailed from 1850 to 1860 carrying tea for Jardine, Matheson & Co. of London. In 1861 she was sold to Mackay & Co., London.
'On Saturday, there was launched from the building-yard of Messrs Hall & Sons a fine ship of 600 tons OM and 527 tons NM. She is considered to be the finest vessel both in design and workmanship, as yet turned out by her builders. She has been built under contract for Capt John Robertson, formerly of the 'JOHN O' GAUNT' of Liverpool, and will class A1 for 13 years on Lloyd's Register. The whole arrangements for the launch were so complete that the vessel seemed to glide into the water at the word of command, when she received the name of 'STORNOWAY'. We are informed she is intended for the China trade, and will sail for London in a few days'.
(Aberdeen Journal)
The "STORNOWAY," another clipper recently launched here, made the run home from Whampoa to London in 103 days, coming down the China Sea against the full strength of the south-west monsoon, and accomplishing the distance between the Cape of Good Hope and London in 37 days. So far as this season's rivalry between British and American clippers in the China trade has been tested by their performances, the British builders have the best of it.
(Aberdeen Journal)
Cleared 29 September - STORNOWAY, ship, 527 tons, Captain Watson, for Ceylon.
(Sydney Morning Herald)
Arrived London 2 April - STORNOWAY from Sydney, 96 days.
(Maitland Mercury)
STORNOWAY, Captain Clarke, arrived Sydney from the Downs 29 May (arrived 30 August).
(Freeman's Journal, (Sydney))
Water Police Court - James Cumming, seaman, of ship STORNOWAY, convicted of wilful disobedience on board whilst on high seas on 15 July last, sentenced to 4 weeks hard labour and costs with forfeiture of 2 days pay.
(Sydney Empire)
Arrived 11 December - ship STORNOWAY from the Downs.
(Freeman's Journal, (Sydney))
STORNOWAY sailed 28 February for London
(Sydney Empire)
At Thames Police Court, Captain Thomas Tomlin, Master of ship STORNOWAY, and Mr. Matthew Read, Chief Mate, appeared to answer charge of violently assaulting and falsely imprisoning George Baker, an able seaman. Baker, who then possessed a Master's certificate, joined STORNOWAY in Sydney February last to work his way home in capacity of able seaman. On 12 May, after being at wheel for 2 hours, he claimed Mate Read began to abuse him and said he was no sailor but a soldier. He told Mate he was as good a man as himself. Mate struck him on the mouth and his lips bled profusely. Baker raised wooden relaying pin, but before he could use it, the Maten seized it, forced his head onto the rail, then threw him down on deck, punched him with great violence, and jumped on him. Captain came out of his cabin, said "that will do, Mr. Read", and ordered Mate to drag Baker aft. He was imprisoned for 7 days, 18 hours and for 2 days of that time was not allowed any food. He was kept in sail room, 3/4 full of damp sails and very hot. He was allowed only 2 hours of exercise per day, on release so ill he could not work for 10 days. Witnesses confirmed Baker's statements. Defendents committed for trial.
(Wallaroo Times)
STORNOWAY, ship, Tomlin, arrived Newcastle (N.S.W.) from Dunedin (N.Z.)
(Sydney Morning Herald)
STORNOWAY, Tomlin, loading in Newcastle for Hong Kong.
(Sydney Empire)
An advertisment for her sale appeared in the Shipping and Mercantile Gazette:
On THURSDAY, AUGUST 3, 1865, at Half-past Two o'Clock
(Unless previously disposed of by private contract),
THE Clipper Ship STORNOWAY, 595 tons O.M., 527 tons per register; built at Aberdeen by the celebrated builders, Messrs. Hall, under particular inspection, in 1850; entirely copper-fastened, and classed thirteen years A 1; in 1863 she was continued A 1 for four years, and re-sheathed with yellow metal; has a full poop and top-gallant forecastle, with good heights between decks, and is very efficiently secured with iron knees and riders. The Stornoway is favourably known in the China and Australian trades for her rapid passages and the satisfactory condition in which her cargoes have been discharged, and is now abundantly found in stores. Now lying in the East India Dock.
2, Cowper's-court, Cornhill, E.C.
The STORNOWAY, having superior cabin accomodation, is admirably adapted for the trades to Japan, New Zealand, or Cape of Good Hope".
(Shipping and Mercantile Gazette)
Her first five outward passages were all made via Bombay or Calcutta, crossing over to China in about 32 days. Her early timeswere amongst her best and though she dis not show better than CHRYSOLITE, she was probably the faster of the two. In 1860 she went out to Sydney in 102 days under Captain Watson. The next year she was sold to MacKay & Co, London, spending most of her remaining years in the Australian and New Zealand trades [...] in 1873 she was wrecked on Kentisk Knock on 7 June.
(David R. MacGregor (1983), "The Tea Clippers: Their History and Development 1833-1875" (Conway Maritime, London), p. 53)
In 1852 STORNOWAY raced another clipper, the CHRYSOLITE, making London from Whampoa in 108 days but her rival reached Liverpool in 105 days
(ibid., p. 68)
Note: Contracted cost £9,948 16s. 6 1/2d. (Builder's List in the Lloyd's Library of the Aberdeen Maritime Museum)