Object NameBRIG
DimensionsGross Tonnage: 120 tons.
Object numberABDSHIP003030.45
Fate: unknown, last mention Lloyd's underwriters 1833 (C82)
Propulsion: Sail
Description: Brig rigged, 1 deck with beams, made of fir, 2 guns carried in 1815 (Lloyd's underwriters 1815 (C50))
1808-10: Brebner
1811-24: P. Ritchie
1825: A. Kirton
1808-13: Master J. Pirie
1813-15: Master J. Clayton
1818-24: Master J. Wilson
1824-27: Master Barham
1827-33: Master J. Strome
Voyages: (according to Lloyd's sometimes contradicted by newspaper reports below)
1808-11: Leith - Sunderland
1812: Yarmouth
1813: London Passage
1814: Yarmouth - London Passage
1815: London Passage
1818-24: London - Aberdeen
1825-27: Topsham coaster
1828-33: Lynn coaster
General History:
"The CAMBRIA, Pirie, on her outward passage to America, was put back to Thurso on the 29th ult [August] in a gale from the westard"
(Star (London))
Brig CAMBRIA, of Aberdeen, Capt. Pirie, long missing, has been heard of at Fayal [Azores], where she had arrived after encountering very severe weather, and was partly loaded 24 May prior to completing her cargo at another port and sailing for Halifax. 2 boys belonging to CAMBRIA died on the passage from Jamaica to Halifax and on 3 April, day of sailing from Halifax - Fayal, a young man, the cook, fell overboard after only 18 hrs with the vessel and was unfortunately drowned.
(Aberdeen Journal)
"The CAMBRIA, Pirie, of and for this place, from Quebec, arrived at Thurso on the 20th after being put into the Island of Lewis, with the loss of her sails and other damage, sustained in the very boisterous weather she encountered on her passage. The CAMBRIA sailed from Quebec on the 2d October, with a fleet of about 40 sail, under convoy of the PROMETHEUS sloop of war; and Capt Pirie writes, that the Brig DAPHNE, Allan, of this place [Aberdeen], after missing a signal parted on the 9th October, in the Gulph [sic] of St Lawrence"
(Aberdeen Journal)
Brig CAMBRIA, Capt. Clayton, of Aberdeen, arrived at passages 4 May after run of 4 days from Britain.
(Caledonian Mercury (Edinburgh))
"Gut of Canso [Nova Scotia] - Oct. 25, CAMBRIA, Clayton, arrived from Aberdeen"
(Lloyd's List)
"Off Aberdeen - Cambria, Clayton, arrived from Miramichi"
(Lloyd's List)
Brig CAMBRIA for sale by public roup within Lemon Tree Tavern, Aberdeen, 8 June - as she at present lies in harbour of Aberdeen. She is well found in sails and appurtenances and lately underwent a thorough repair in the hull. Intending purchasers may apply to Mr. Alex Webster or John Ewing, advocates in Aberdeen, latter of whome can sell a majority in the vessel by private bargain.
(Aberdeen Journal)
March 1805
15 February 1858