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'A Silver Darling' Brooch, Torry Research Station, Diamond Jubilee 1929-1989
'A Silver Darling' Brooch, Torry Research Station, Diamond Jubilee 1929-1989
'A Silver Darling' Brooch, Torry Research Station, Diamond Jubilee 1929-1989

'A Silver Darling' Brooch, Torry Research Station, Diamond Jubilee 1929-1989

Associated (Aberdeen, Scotland, 1929 - 1996)
Object NameBrooch
Mediumsilver, card
DimensionsOverall (Width x Depth x Length): 1.2 × 0.7 × 4.2cm
Paper Size (Height x Width): 7.7 × 7.2cm
AcquisitionPresented in 2022 by Kate McWeeny
LocationView by Appointment - Aberdeen Treasure Hub
Object numberABDMS095686
About MeThe Silver Darling brooch celebrates 60 years of the Torry Research Station in 1989. It was acquired by a male who spent much of his career at the Ministries of Agriculture, Fisheries and Food (MAFF) labs in Norwich, later to become head of these labs until his retirement in 1992. He would regularly fly to Aberdeen in the 1970s (as well as worldwide) for conferences and work at the Torry Research Station.
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