'Miniature Moonflower' Paperweight
DesignerDesigned by
Colin Terris
(Buckhaven, Scotland, 1936 - 2006)
MakerMade by
Caithness Glass
(Wick, Scotland, founded 1961)
Object NamePaperweight
ClassificationsApplied Art
AcquisitionPresented in 2002 by Mrs Elizabeth Rhoden.
LocationView by Appointment - Aberdeen Treasure Hub
Object numberABDMS065606
There are paperweights and there are paperweights, but this is a particularly beautiful example of Caithness glass. Exquisite detail - "a picture in glass".
S R Stewart & Co
mid 19th-early 20th Century
1950 - 1960
Angus Menmuir Neil
Joseph Mallord William Turner
Barbara Rae