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Shipbuilder (Shipbuilder, Footdee, Aberdeen 1839 - 1881)
DateApril 1863
Object NameCLIPPER
Dimensionslength 185' x breadth 33' 3" x depth 21' 9"
Gross Tonnage: 894 ton
Object numberABDSHIP000358
About MeYard: Walter Hood & Co.

Fate: Lost on the 25th of August 1893 whilst en route to Philadelphia.

Propulsion: Sail
Description: Ship rigged clipper, 2 decks and a poop and forecastle, 3 masts, round stern, eagle figurehead.

Registered at Aberdeen for subscribing owners;
A. Nicol, merchant, 32 shares; George Thompson Jnr., shipowner, 16 shares; James Buyers, shipowner, 8 shares, All Aberdeen.
Other Shareholders: William Nicol, Liverpool, merchant, 4 shares; W.S. G'Arriock, master, Lerwick, Shetland, 4 shares.
(Source: Aberdeen Register of Shipping (Aberdeen City Archives))

1865-66: Master W. S. G'Arriock
1875: Master J. Fimister.

General History:
The GLEN GAIRN sailed from Aberdeen to Australia from 1863 - 1867 mostly carrying wood. On the 28 September 1868 she sailed round Cape Horn to Callao in Peru and returned 26 July 1869 to Galway in Ireland with nitrates. The Master was P. Garioch and ships carpenter David Alexander from Aberdeen. These voyages continued to South America until 1872. Some time in 1872 she returned to the Australia run, and continued until 1874. In 1874 a new Master, J. Fimister, took over until 1878 when J. Brown assumed command until 1885 when ownership changed to H. S. Jacobsen in Flekkefjord, Norway.

GLEN GAIRN has been chartered for conveyance of coal to Shanghai and will also take a few horses. Expected she will be ready for sea in about a week.
(Sydney Morning Herald)

Water Police Court - Robert Alten & James Harwell, seamen of ship GLEN GAIRN, convicted of desertion and sentenced to four weeks hard labour in gaol. [Also Martin Delany and James Farrell, Sydney Morning Herald, 13/11/1863].
(Sydney Empire)

GLEN GAIRN will discharge at Walker's Wharf. Master will not be responsible for loss or damage to cargo when landed or for any debts contracted by the crew without his written authority.
(Sydney Morning Herald)

GLEN GAIRN arrived 16th March at Sydney, Capt. G'Arriock master. Passengers Mrs Simmonds and children and servant, Mr C. Elliott and 20 in the steerage. Left Liverpool 20th November, but was forced to shelter at Holyhead (22-24 Nov) and at Milford (from which she sailed 6th December). After leaving she had strong gales from South West to West, which lasted 3 weeks. Equator crossed 11th January & meridian of Cape of Good Hope 7th February. Her highest southing was latitude 48 [into Southern Ocean]. Tasmania was rounded 5th March.
(Sydney Morning Herald and Maitland Mercury)

For Shanghai - The new Aberdeen built clipper ship GLEN GAIRN, W. S. G'Arriock, commander, will sail about 8th April.
(Sydney Morning Herald)

GLEN GAIRN, ship (Aberdeen Clipper Line) W. S. G'Arriock, from London 18th February, Start Point 20th February. Passengers Mrs G'Arriock, Messrs Moon, Gardener, Cruden and Hooper.
(Melbourne Argus)

Wm. Dunn, seaman on board GLEN GAIRN, summoned George Mutch (Chief Officer) for assault alleged to have been committed 5th May during passage from London. Mutch found fault with Dunn's steering, struck him several times and jumped on him. Fined 40 shillings and 5 shillings costs at Williamstown Police Court.
(Williamston Chronicle)

William Dunn brought before magistrates for deserting from ship GLEN GAIRN, lying at Williamstown Railway Pier. Chief Officer said Dunn left the ship taking his effects with him and was arrested same night. Prisoner pleaded guilty and told bench he wished to leave the ship as he had been threatened with violence for having prosecuted the mate at this court for assault. As this statement was not denied, bench dismissed the case.
(Melbourne Argus)

GLEN GAIRN, W. S. Garriock, sailed from Melbourne for Hong Kong.
(Illustrated Australian News)

GLEN GAIRN, Fimester master, sailed Sydney 31st October for London. passengers Mrs Fimister, Mr J. Latimer, cargo 3059 bales of wool, 12 tons bones, 314 packages of butter, 1136 slabs tin, 51 cases tin ore, 556 cases meat, 22,170 ingots of copper, 110 bales of cotton, 15 casks tallow, 35,539 horns.
(Sydney Morning Herald)

For London - The favourite clipper ship GLEN GAIRN, John Fimester commander, having whole of her deadweight aboard and a portion of her wool in store will have immediate despatch. Vessel has superior accommodation for limited number of saloon passengers.
(Sydney Morning Herald)

Note: name sometimes given as one word GLENGAIRN.
Walter Hood & Co.
Walter Hood & Co.
Aberdeen White Star Line (George Thompson & Co)
August 1862
Aberdeen White Star Line (George Thompson & Co)
Walter Hood & Co.
Aberdeen White Star Line (George Thompson & Co)
6 May 1856
Alexander HALL & Co.
Walter Hood & Co.
2 January 1858
"Thermopylae" - Clipper Ship
Aberdeen White Star Line (George Thompson & Co)
March 1867
George Milne & Co
6 May 1856
April 1869
b/w photograph of clipper ship 'yalaroi'
Alexander HALL & Co.