Day Watchman's Tell Tale Clock and Key
AssociatedAssociated with
(Broadford Works, 1808 - 2002)
Date20th Century
Object NameClock
Mediumleather, metal, plastic
ClassificationsTextile Industry
AcquisitionOn loan from a private collection.
LocationView by Appointment - Aberdeen Treasure Hub
Object numberABDMS087947
12th-15th Century
mid 13th-mid 14th Century
mid 13th-mid 14th Century
mid 17th-early 18th Century
mid 13th-mid 14th Century
12th - 13th Century
12th-15th Century
mid 17th-early 18th Century
early 13th-18th Century
mid 14th-late 14th Century
mid 13th-late 18th Century
mid 13th-late 18th Century
mid 13th-mid 14th Century
mid 17th-early 18th Century
mid 13th-mid 14th Century
mid 13th-mid 14th Century
mid 13th-mid 14th Century