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Wilson's Aberdeen Portraits -  Alphabatically Arranged List of Names
Wilson's Aberdeen Portraits - Alphabatically Arranged List of Names
Wilson's Aberdeen Portraits -  Alphabatically Arranged List of Names
Wilson's Aberdeen Portraits - Alphabatically Arranged List of Names

Wilson's Aberdeen Portraits - Alphabatically Arranged List of Names

Associated (Aberdeen, Scotland, 1852 - 1908)
Photographer (Alvah, Banffshire, Scotland, 1823 - 1893)
Object NameBooklet
Dimensions18.7 x 13cm
CopyrightOut of copyright - CC0
LocationView by Appointment - Aberdeen Treasure Hub
Object numberABDMS069213.2
About MeGeorge Washington Wilson's montage portraits of Aberdeen's and the North East's notables was a triumph of photographic technique. The photographer drew upon the large collection of images of the great and the good and arranged them such that it gives an insight to the class structure of mid 19th century Aberdeen. The images were montaged and issued from 1856 until 1907.
List Of Names, Aberdeen Portraits
George Washington Wilson
1856 - 1857/1896/1907
Front of Photograph
George Washington Wilson
Front of Photograph
George Washington Wilson
Front of Photograph
George Washington Wilson
c. 1860
Front of Photograph
George Washington Wilson
c. 1904
Front of Photograph
George Washington Wilson and Company
c. 1870s
Front of Photograph
George Washington Wilson and Company
c. 1870
Front of Photograph
George Washington Wilson and Company
c. 1872
Front of Photograph
George Washington Wilson and Company
c. 1880
Front of Photograph
George Washington Wilson and Company
Front of Photograph
George Washington Wilson
Front of Photograph
George Washington Wilson
Front of Photograph
George Washington Wilson
c. 1864
Laura Eliza Wilson
George Washington Wilson
Front of Photograph
George Washington Wilson
September 1864
Front of Photograph
George Washington Wilson
Front of Photograph
George Washington Wilson
c. 1864
Front of Photograph
George Washington Wilson
c. 1866
Front of Photograph
George Washington Wilson
c. 1867