Jean Mortimer
Aberdeen, Scotland, born 1929
Born Jean McLeod Forrest on 21 June 1929 at 47 Balmoral Place Aberdeen
Attended evening class Nurse Probationers Course at the High School of Girls - English, Arithmetic, Anatomy and Physiology, Science, Hygiene and Dietetics
General Training 19 February 1948 to 30 June 1951 Aberdeen Royal Infirmary
3 months PTS
Became RGN no.A29439 on 30 June 1951
Midwifery Training 1 September 1951 to 11 September 1952, Royal Maternity Hospital, Rotten Row, Glasgow
State Certified Midwife no. 21803 on 6 November 1952
District Nurse Training, 1953 Castle Terrace
(various posts)
Staff Nurse, ARI February 1953 to October 1954
26 November 1954 went to be a theatre nurse in Gilbert Bain Hospital, Lerwick Shetland
August 1955 to November 1956 Night Sister at ARI, preceded by 4 months training on the RCN Nursing Course for Ward Sisters in Edinburgh.
December 1956 to August 1960 Ward Sister ARI
Nursing Administration (Hospital) Course, September 1960 to July 1961 in Edinburgh. Topics including Psychology and Ethics, Hospital Adminsitration, Training School Administration, history of the growth of the Nursing School, Nutrition and Catering. Included a resident period at the City Hospital, Belfast and the old Addenbrooks Hospital in Cambridge
Administrative Sister September 1961 to October 1963, ARI
Assistant Matron November 1963 to November 1965, Woodend Hospital
February 1965 - year's secondment on a research project intended to find a reliable method of determining measurement of nursing workload with Frank Umdasch and Dorothy McLaughlan
Widowed 26 August 1969.
NHSR Training Officer, November 1969 to September 1970 Board Offices, 1 Albyn Place. Recruited and trained volunteers who became members of the National Hospital Service Reserve to be part of Forward Medical Aid Units. Project discontinued when the threat of nuclear war receded.
During period notice as this post was cancelled, offered the new post of Assistant to the Regional Nursing Officer
Assistant to the Regional Nursing Officer, October 1970 to November 1971
Assistant Regional Nursing Officer 1 December 1971 to 23 June 1972 and Regional Nursing Officer 24 June 1972 to 31 July 1974
1974 - NHS restructured with changes in clinical areas due to the Salmon Report
Area Nursing Officer (Personnel) 1 August 1974 to 31 December 1987
This period saw further refinement of the Aberdeen Formula
Retired one year early due to ill health
Married Bill Mortimer 5th April 1991
1873 - 1961
Aberdeen, Scotland, 1838 - 1902
England, born 1965
Struthers, Cupar, Scotland, 1887 - 1986
Aberdeen, Scotland, 1889 - 1980
Aberdeen, Scotland, 1316 - 1395
Aberdeen, Scotland, 1913 - 1985
founded in 1916
Tremadog, Wales, 1888 - 1935
Founded 1896
Stuartfield, Aberdeenshire, Scotland, 1893 - 1978
Italy, died 1950
Hastings, England, 1871 - 1959
Aberdeen, Scotland, born 1940
Towie, Aberdeenshire, Scotland, 1846 - 1910
Fife, Scotland, born 1962