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Image Not Available for Stereoscopic Photograph taken with Coronet 3-D Camera
Stereoscopic Photograph taken with Coronet 3-D Camera
Image Not Available for Stereoscopic Photograph taken with Coronet 3-D Camera

Stereoscopic Photograph taken with Coronet 3-D Camera

Object NamePhotograph
Dimensions4.4 x 10.4cm
AcquisitionPresented in 2011 by Mr W Hobben.
LocationView by Appointment - Aberdeen Treasure Hub
Object numberABDMS087601.9
About MeTwo small black and white images depicting the same scene, secured side by side with sellotape. When viewed with a stereoscopic viewer, a three dimensional effect can be produced (see associated objects).

The image shows a group of four adults (3 women, 1 man) seated along a stone wall, probably at a beach.

The back of the photographic paper is marked "Gevaert".
Alexander T. Mackay on Beach
Dr Alexander Taylor Mackay
c. 1933
Front of Photograph
George Washington Wilson
Carte de Visite of a Man in Academic Robes
George Washington Wilson
Front of Photograph
George Washington Wilson
Carte de Visite - unidentified portrait
George Washington Wilson
Carte de Visite of a Child on a Balcony
George Washington Wilson