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Image Not Available for Islamic-Style Sideboard With Carved Back Screen Balls And Turned Bars
Islamic-Style Sideboard With Carved Back Screen Balls And Turned Bars
Image Not Available for Islamic-Style Sideboard With Carved Back Screen Balls And Turned Bars

Islamic-Style Sideboard With Carved Back Screen Balls And Turned Bars

Artist (Birmingham, England, founded 1875)
Datec. 1884
Object NameSideboard
AcquisitionPresented by Eric, George and James Sinton.
LocationView by Appointment - Aberdeen Treasure Hub
Object numberABDMS015669
About MeThis piece was probably designed by Leonard Wyburd, a painter and decorator, who set up Liberty's Furnishing and Decoration Studio in 1883. His speciality was Moorish furniture and decoration, and pieces such as this Moorish style sideboard, featuring arches and Mushrebiyeh lattice work, featured prominently in the Liberty catalogues from 1880 until 1909.
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