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Embroidered Picture of Honour
Embroidered Picture of Honour
Embroidered Picture of Honour

Embroidered Picture of Honour

Object NamePicture
MediumSilk; Silk Threads
CopyrightOut of copyright
LocationView by Appointment - Aberdeen Treasure Hub
Object numberABDMS002487
About MeThis group of four embroidered pictures depicts the four Cardinal Virtues required of ideal citizens. The Virtues are typically depicted as women in classical dress each symbolising a different quality. Justice (top left) is seen carrying a sword as an emblem of her power along with the scales signifying her impartiality. Prudence (top right) is seen with a snake - the symbol of wisdom - and a mirror denoting the truism that the wise man sees himself as he really is. Fortitude (lower left) is shown with the lion of courage and Temperance (lower right) pours water from a jug into the wine goblet in her other hand.
All are worked in silk threads using long and short stitch, satin stitch and French knots on a silk ground.

More About Me
Fortitude, one of the Plato's four human virtues along with prudence, justice or temperance, shown here accompanied by the lion of courage
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