Shipbuildervessel built by
John Smith & Co.
(Shipbuilder, Upper Dock, Aberdeen)
Date6 April 1867
Object NameLUGGER
Dimensionslength 53.4' x breadth 18.5' x depth 6.2'
gross tonnage 30 tons
gross tonnage 30 tons
Object numberABDSHIP002919
Fate: unknown
Propulsion: Sail
Description: Lugger rigged, 3 masts, 1 deck, round stern, clench built, no gallery, no figurehead.
04/1867: Registered at Aberdeen for owners;
Aberdeen Deep Sea Fishing Co.
19/08/1869: registration transferred to Peterhead
(Aberdeen Register of Shipping (Aberdeen City Archives))
General History:
Aberdeen Deep Sea Fishing Company.— On Saturday afternoon, boat of the following dimensions, named the "DOGGERBANK,’’ and intended to prosecute the deep sea fishing, being the first of intended fleet of vessels of similar build, the proprietors of which have formed themselves into a joint-stock company, under the above designation, was launched from the building-yard of Mr John Smith, Inches, viz.:—Extreme length, 55 feet; beam, 18 feet; depth, 8 feet 7 inches. She is to be schooner rigged, with three masts and jib-boom, two lug-sails, &c., driver and jib. She has a fall deck, with cabin and other accommodation for her crew, which consists of eight men, who have been engaged under special arrangement similar to that which exists at Burnmouth, Dunbar, &c.—viz., that the catch shall be divided into deals,” of which a certain proportion belong to the crew, and a certain portion to the Company. A fixed price is established for each kind of fish —cod, ling, halibut, &c. —and at this price the Company’s manager takes over all the fish caught, and assumes the responsibility of the marketing. After the launch, the directors of the Company and few friends partook of a glass of wine together in Mr Smith’s sail-loft, when success to the Company was pledged. Mr Stephen, painter, occupied the chair, and Mr Smart, provision dealer, James Street, officiated as croupier. It is to be hoped that the "DOGGERBANK” will prove successful venture, and be the advent of a better state of things as regards the prosecution of the fishing occupation on our northern coasts—a state of things by which a great industry will be carried on, with less risk of life than at present, and more satisfactory results to the public.
(Aberdeen Journal)
NOTICE. ALL those having Claims against the ABERDEEN DEEP SEA FISHING COMPANY, are requested to lodge the same with Alexander Yeats, Advocate, 83, Union Street, Aberdeen, within Ten Days from this date, as the Company is about to be wound up. Aberdeen, March 21, 1868.
(Aberdeen Journal)
15 February 1858
March 1861
February 1868
26 April 1841