E25 Wood Fragment
Datemid 14th-late 14th Century
Object NameWood Fragment
ClassificationsArchaeology Excavated
DimensionsOverall (Length x Width x Depth): 67 × 61 × 12mm
AcquisitionTransferred from the Scottish Development Department.
LocationView by Appointment
Object numberABDMS028399.2
Site name: 45-75 Gallowgate
Small find number: 155
Context number: 104
Trench number: N/A
Feature number: N/A
Phase number: 2b
Sample number: N/A
Lab number: N/A
Catalogue number: N/A ('Aberdeen: An In-depth View of the City's Past')
An L-shaped dark-brown wooden fragment. One side is flat, the other side has a small section of flat surface with a larger section of uneven surface with grains running its length.
mid 14th-late 14th Century
mid 13th-mid 14th Century
mid 13th-mid 14th Century
mid 13th-mid 14th Century
late 12th-13th Century
mid 17th-early 18th Century
mid 13th-mid 14th Century
mid 13th-mid 14th Century
mid 13th-mid 14th Century
mid 13th-mid 14th Century
mid 13th-mid 14th Century
mid 17th-early 18th Century
mid 13th-late 18th Century
mid 14th-late 14th Century
mid 13th-mid 14th Century
mid 13th-mid 14th Century
mid 13th-mid 14th Century
mid 13th-mid 14th Century
mid 17th-early 18th Century
mid 13th-late 18th Century