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Stoneware Guinomi With Sodium Vapour Glaze
Stoneware Guinomi With Sodium Vapour Glaze
Stoneware Guinomi With Sodium Vapour Glaze

Stoneware Guinomi With Sodium Vapour Glaze

Maker (California, born 1945)
Student (born 1956)
Collector (London, England, 1929 - 2012)
Dateearly 21st Century
Object NameGuinomi
Mediumstoneware and sodium vapour glaze
DimensionsOverall (Height x Diameter): 78 x 70 mm,
Base (Diameter): 45 mm
AcquisitionThe Sandy Dunbar Studio Ceramics Collection presented in 2023 by Crinan Dunbar and Rebecca Russell.
Copyright© Ruthanne Tudball
LocationView by Appointment - Aberdeen Treasure Hub
Object numberABDMS095708.412
About MeStoneware small beaker known as a 'guinomi', or sake cup, with facetted body and sodium vapour glaze.

The sides have been manipulated and cut in a rhythmic pattern, while the clay is still soft, capturing a sense of movement which inspires Ruthanne Tudball. A mustard yellow slip has been applied to some of the facets and a tan coloured glaze washed randomly over the interior and exterior before firing in a gas kiln with sodium vapour glaze. This process creates a 'orange peel' texture and warm body colour.

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